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ELEXIA'S bedroom was illuminated by her dim lights. It was dark out, around five o'clock on a Monday, and she was waiting for Austin and Rosalie to come home. Rose was out with Amethyst and Austin was at work. Gaia was laying down in her crib, staring at the mobile that played a soft melody.

Elexia walked over to the crib, lifting Gaia out and into her arms. She nestled into her chest instantly as Elexia rubbed her back.

"Did you sleep well?" Elexia whispered to Gaia. She'd napped just a little bit longer than she usually did, but they had a long night, so she wasn't too concerned about it.

Gaia's response was a small coo. Her eyes sparkled as she stared at her mommy. Elexia sat down gingerly on her bed, her baby still on her chest. She softly tickled her side, making her bedroom fill with loud baby giggles. Gaia had the best laugh.

"I think you need to be changed, though, G." Elexia chuckled, picking Gaia up off of her chest and walking over to the changing table. She changed her quickly. Gaia kicked her legs playfully once her mom was finished.

Elexia picked her up again. The house was weird, being so quiet. She walked downstairs to go relax on the couch with Gaia. It was hard to believe that Gaia would be nine-months-old tomorrow. She rubbed her back again, and it didn't take long for Gaia to relax. Elexia turned on the TV for Gaia to watch some cartoons.

As Elexia was sitting there and thinking, she realized it had been a few days since she had last seen or heard from Melody. Last time they spoke was a phone call on Friday night. It was very unusual for her to just disappear, considering how close they had gotten. She remembered her mentioning having plans to hang out with Angela on this weekend, so maybe that could have been why. Elexia didn't attend school today to ask. She woke up extremely tired after Gaia didn't sleep much last night.

Elexia reached over to grab the phone to call Melody when her dad walked into the house.

"Hey, Dad." she smiled in greeting as he set his work bag down on the floor by the door. "How was work?"

"Not good, Lexi." Austin let out a heavy sigh, sitting on the recliner across from Elexia's spot on the couch. His voice was a bit shaky. Stress and worry was evident in his voice.

"What happened?" Elexia's brows knitted together, partly of confusion, partly of concern. Her father seemed very upset, which was unusual for him. Not much worked him up, especially at work. He'd learned to manage those emotions years ago.

"I don't know how to tell you this, Lexi." Austin's voice was soft, as if he was scared to hurt Elexia with his words.

Concern took over for any confusion that was in her body. "Dad, you're scaring me. What happened? Is Charlie okay?"

"It's Melody." Austin sighed once more. "She's missing." Elexia felt her heart drop as the words left his lips. "Charlie showed up at the firehouse a few hours ago, freaking out. Melody and Bella went out Saturday. Bella came back by herself because she assumed you had gone to pick Melody up. Her and Charlie assumed she slept here Saturday and Sunday, thinking she went to school with you this morning. The high school called Charlie. Melody never showed up today. Charlie tried calling her, but Bella called him afterward to say that Melody's phone was in her room. We went out to look for her, but we couldn't find anything. Bella said she saw some huge wolves on Saturday, at the location she and Melody went to. Have you heard anything, honey?"

Elexia's throat had gone dry as Austin spoke. An unsettling, panicked silence filled the room for a moment. The TV remote that was in Elexia's hand slipped from her grip, clattering to the floor. Austin and Gaia jumped, but Elexia didn't react at all. 

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