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THE moon hung over Elexia's house, causing a silver glow to enter her bedroom. Gaia was cradled in Elexia's arms, rocking her gently to guide her to sleep. Rosalie's blonde hair fell over her shoulders as she laid next to the two of them, propped up on her elbow. Amethyst and Melody had gotten back a little while ago, the two of them sat on the end of the very crowded bed.

The atmosphere had a sense of sisterhood within it. The girls were all sharing stories with Melody, mostly Amethyst and Rosalie, about their years as vampires in order to help her feel more comfortable. Elexia's room, despite three cold bodies in it, felt warmer than it ever had.

A smile on her face as she did so, Elexia placed Gaia in her crib as she'd fallen asleep in her arms. She made sure she was comfortable before joining the girls back on her bed. She was particularly grateful tonight.

Amethyst was still giving Melody advice. "Of course, hunting is a very important aspect of being a vampire. However, learning how to blend in with humans is also another major part of it."

Melody nodded, understanding what she meant. "It's just.. weird. One day, I'm a blissfully unaware teenage girl. The next, I'm a totally different thing."

Rosalie nodded as she spoke. "We all felt like that in the beginning, so don't feel bad. It's an adjustment. You'll learn."

The night carried on even more, Rosalie and Amethyst telling the stories of their own transformations to inform Melody that they'd all had hard transitions into their new lives. Amethyst told Melody about mistakes she'd made early on, and that it was all normal. She also told stories about Italy and her foster children there. Elexia added her own input about what it was like for her, learning that Rose was a vampire.

Laughter became a constant in the room as Melody slowly unwound and became more comfortable. Memories and shared experiences hung in the air. Melody was feeling grateful for her new family, wondering what it would be like if she didn't have them for this transition. The more stories they shared, the more normal she felt.

Elexia's heart was glowing. Some of her favorite people in the world were all bonding. Their family was unconventional, yes, but she couldn't have asked for better.

Melody found it hard to believe that Rosalie and Amethyst were strangers to her just a short time ago, especially Ame. They already felt like sisters to her. Amethyst explained to her that vampires felt bonds more strongly than humans did, and she understood that now. She already loved them.

"As we've mentioned, some vampires have unique abilities." Amethyst shared. "Edward can read minds. Alice can see the future, with a few exceptions. Jasper can feel and control the emotions of others around him. And I can compel people to do what I ask. You may, or may not, have a gift yourself. Time will tell."

"How will I know?" Melody asked, interested. She knew, likely, that she wouldn't be gifted, but she couldn't help but be hopeful.

"If you'd like, we can go out tomorrow and test some theories." Amethyst offered.

"I would love that." Melody nodded, grateful and excited.

"When you lived in Italy, did you ever come across the Volturi? That's what they're called right?" Melody questioned adorably, her eyebrows furrowed.

Amethyst chuckled lightly. "I lived up in Milan, which is about four hours away from Volterra. But I have met them."

"They sound scary." Melody cringed at the thought of them. The way Amethyst and Rosalie described them gave her the creeps.

"They can be." Amethyst nodded.

"Emmett would have some interesting stories for you about the early days of vampirism." Rosalie said, her hand on Elexia's thigh. "He was a mess."

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