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ELEXIA was beyond uncomfortable as she stood slightly behind Jacob. She wasn't quite fearful yet, but it was quickly progressing that way, the more she waited.

The wolves marched out from the trees, in almost perfect unison. Bella gasped lightly. Elexia assumed she thought that they would literally show up as wolves. Elexia wasn't really sure what she thought. Either way, she was intimidated. The four of them stood there, shirtless.

They stood across the road, everything that they did was in unison, as if they were truly one being, which reminded Elexia of what Jake said in the car, that they did what Sam told them. She doubted he told them to follow his every move, but perhaps it was just natural for them to do so.

All four of them were on guard, but it was obvious they had curiosity, as well. Then, they actually looked, and when they saw Bella and Elexia with Jacob, their posture changed. They became enraged.

Sam was the tallest and the most muscular of the group by far, but Jacob was the only one that was close to rivaling him in that department. Sam was also quite a bit older than the others, and his expression held a lot of maturity. Sam was a man, and had learned to control his emotions, unlike the boys around him, who were all still teenagers.

"What have you done, Jacob?" Sam's voice was powerful.

One of the other guys– it looked like Paul, but Elexia couldn't tell– sped past Sam, simmering with rage, and spoke up. "Why can't you just follow the rules, Jacob?" he yelled, his rage quite literally controlling his body, as he threw his arms up in the air in frustration. "What the hell are you thinking? Is she more important than everything– than the whole tribe? Than the people getting killed?"

"They can help," Jacob said, his voice quiet.

"Help!" the boy yelled, his whole body beginning to shake. For the first time since James, Elexia felt true fear for her life, like this boy was going to get so angry he could inflict serious harm on her or Bella. Only this time, her fear was magnified tenfold because of the little girl she held in her arms, who, somehow, was not crying yet. Hopefully Jacob was strong enough to protect all three of them and himself. "Oh, that's likely! I'm sure the leech-lovers are just dying to help us out!"

"Don't talk about them like that!" Jacob's quietness was long gone as he cried back, the insult breaking whatever level of control he had prior.

A new rage seemed to take over the other wolf, as a literal shudder of power rippled through his body.

"Paul! Relax!" Sam ordered. So this was Paul, the quiet and polite boy she met when she first moved to Forks. Her heart broke as she looked at who he became.

Paul shook his head sharply, not meaning it as saying no to his Alpha, but as if he was trying to snap himself out of it.

"Jeez, Paul," one of the wolves murmured. "Get a grip."

That proved to be a very big mistake. Paul turned his head to the boy that spoke, his lips pulling back into a snarl. He shifted his angry eyes back on Bella and Elexia. Jacob took one step forward, partially covering the girls from Paul.

"Right, protect them!" Paul bellowed. A second shudder spread through his body. His head flew back and a growl clawed its way out of his throat.

"Paul!" Sam and Jacob cried out together.

Paul fell forward, his entire body vibrating. Elexia heard a loud cracking noise and Paul literally exploded. No longer a boy, Paul was a dark silver wolf, and he was massive. The wolf was crouched, ready to pounce.

His silver face– which Elexia would have called beautiful under different circumstances– once again pulled back into a snarl. The growl that left this wolf was haunting. His eyes were dark with anger and they were focused on Bella and Elexia– and, indirectly, Gaia.

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