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ELEXIA'S morning started off as it always did. Simple and fluid.

She forced herself out of bed at six-thirty, and reached over to Gaia's bassinet next to her bed, pulling her into her arms to feed her.

As the baby ate, Rosalie would arrive at Elexia's house, make coffee for her girlfriend, and go upstairs with a smile on her perfect face.

"Good morning," she smiled when her eyes landed on her half-asleep girlfriend. She flicked the lights on to wake her up, much to Elexia's dismay.

"Ugh." Elexia groaned. "Good morning, Rose."

The blue-eyed girl's frown morphed into a smile as she took the coffee mug from Rosalie's hand.

"Is she done eating?" Rosalie asked, itching to hold the baby already.

Elexia looked down at the baby, who was just finishing up her first feeding of the day. "Yeah, she's done."

Rosalie's grin doubled in size. They'd done this everyday for the past two months, but it never, ever got old for her. Everyday, Rosalie cherished her moments with Gaia, as if she couldn't even believe she really existed. She loved the baby more and more everyday, for the fear that one day, it would all disappear.

Elexia took large gulps of her coffee as she willed herself out of her warm bed, hobbling over to her dresser and grabbing a white long-sleeved shirt and grey sweatpants. She changed as quickly as she could, drinking her coffee in between each article of clothing – which Rosalie found funny, of course – before heading into the bathroom to brush her hair and teeth.

By the time she was done, she made it downstairs, to where Rosalie already had a bowl of cereal made for her and Gaia was changed into her outfit for the day; a grey onesie with ruffles on the butt.

Rosalie graduated last June, since she was a grade above, so while Elexia was in school, the vampire got to spend all day, just her and the baby. School had only been going on for a little over a week, but Rosalie already had a perfect routine set for the tiny human.

Elexia usually caught a ride with Alice to get to school in the mornings, or Emmett would drop her off. Today, it was the latter.

The second she stepped outside and her eyes met Emmett's twinkling gold ones, she playfully rolled her eyes. The grin on his face immediately told her he had junk food in the Jeep, waiting for her.

On the short ride to school, Elexia snacked on the cookies that Emmett had gracefully provided for her, and when they arrived, she turned over to give him a hug.

Hugging was one of Elexia's favorite things in the world. And now that she didn't have the pregnant belly in the way, she could squeeze her family however much she wanted to.

She walked over to where Alice and Bella had met seconds before she got there. Today was Bella's birthday, but as per the brunette's request, she didn't want any gifts or any mention of her birthday while at school – of course, Elexia listened, as she knew what it felt like to hate being the center of attention. Alice, being Alice, did not listen.

The pixie-haired vampire skipped over to Bella with a cute smile on her face.

"Happy birthday, Bella!"

"Shh!" Bella grimaced, looking around the parking lot to check if anyone had seen.

Alice brushed Bella off. "Do you want to open your present now or later?" she asked excitedly.

"No presents." Bella objected.

"Okay. . . later, then. Did you like the scrapbook your mom sent you? And the camera from Charlie?"

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