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Warning: suicide mention

THE car ride to Elexia's house was mostly quiet, with Emmett trying to offer Elexia some comfort, and her trying to do the same for him. They were both in quite a bit of shock as it was, and knew that they had to all support each other, even if Elexia wasn't particularly a fan of Edward. Emmett told her that Amethyst was already at the house with Rosalie, and Gaia.

When they walked through Elexia's bedroom door, however, the tension in the room could be cut with a knife. Rosalie sat, an unreadable expression on her face, on Elexia's bed, her back pressed to the headboard. Amethyst sat at the foot of the bed, a concerned look on her face. The two of them looked up when Elexia and Emmett entered the room.

Amethyst and Emmett shared a brief look while Rosalie and Elexia's eyes remained on each other. Wordlessly, the dark-haired vampires left the room together, leaving the couple to themselves.

Slowly, Elexia walked over to her bed, taking a seat on the edge next to Rosalie.

"Why did you do it, Rose?" was all Elexia whispered. She wasn't mad, she just wanted to know.

"They were never going to tell him, Lex!" Rosalie burst, as if she'd been holding that back for hours – and if Elexia had to guess, she had been. "Bella attempts to kill herself, and we're all just expected to never speak of it? I know we aren't supposed to talk about her to him, but if I was in his shoes, I know I would want to know. Even if I could do anything about it."

Rosalie chuckled bitterly before continuing. "Besides, how were we supposed to keep this from him anyway? He's going to have to come back from Rio at some point, and when he does, he'll see it in someone's mind. He would be livid either way, no matter what I did. Someone had to be honest. It's not my fault he hung up the phone before I could finish and say that she wasn't dead. His mind was made up the second I said she jumped!"

A pause after that; her eyes, which were more of an orange now, instead of golden, flickered to her hands, which were tightly wound together. Her shoulders tensed, and Elexia could see that she wanted to cry, but was too stubborn to actually let it out. She reached a hand out and grabbed one of Rosalie's in comfort.

"I want things to go back to how they were," Rosalie whispered, not lifting her head from their now joined hands. "I want my whole family together again. I don't want everyone to be split up like this anymore. It's not fair to anyone. I... I hate that I'm saying this, but it's even weird without Edward. He never talks to us anymore. It's bad enough everyone else lives in New York, but at least they call. I haven't heard from Edward in months."

"I know, Rose. I know how badly you want everyone together again..." Elexia trailed off, not knowing how to continue that. If Edward was successful, they would truly never be whole ever again.

"And now he's going to the Volturi..." Rosalie's voice was filled with more pain– and guilt– than Elexia's had ever heard her speak with.

She laid her head on Rosalie's shoulder and wrapped her arms tightly around her, squeezing as much as she could. Rosalie all but melted into her, holding on to Elexia's arms like she was her lifeline.

After a little while of Elexia and Rosalie holding each other, Amethyst and Emmett returned, the former taking her seat on the edge of Elexia's bed.

Emmett practically stomped his way over to Elexia's side of the bed and stared at it.

"Um.. can I help you, Emmett?" Elexia asked, looking up at him with an expectant gaze.

Emmett sighed. "I don't think there's room for me."

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