Chapter 34 : Give it your all 🔞

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I went to bed in P'Tee room, thinking that I would rest and sleep for a while because I had come a long way, and my sleep had not been very restful. But as soon as I closed my eyes, I fell fast asleep, as if my battery had run out, even though I intended to wait for P'Tee to come back... But when I woke up again, it was already morning.

I got up feeling groggy and looked around the room... No one was there. The bed next to me was empty, and there was no sign that anyone had slept in it. I stroked the empty space next to me on the bed, and my heart felt strangely empty. Why hadn't P'Tee come back... or had he intentionally avoided me?

No... I tried to reassure myself. P'Tee wouldn't have hated sleeping with me so much that...

I quickly washed my face and brushed my teeth, deciding not to take a shower because it was very cold. Strangely, I felt like my mouth was swollen. Maybe I was having an allergic reaction to the weather? I quickly applied some lip balm and went downstairs to find P'Tee's mother.

"Oh, Pun, you're awake? Come and have some breakfast, dear," P'Tee's mother said kindly when she saw me. I walked over to the dining table in the hope of finding P'Tee.

"Where's P'Tee? I don't think he came home last night," I asked anxiously about the person I thought about with every breath. P'Tee mother's face looked worried. She turned to prepare breakfast for me before bringing it over.

"He came back, but that stubborn kid refused to sleep in his old room. Mother wouldn't open a new room for him, so he slept on the sofa in the living room. He's as stubborn as an ox. In the morning, he didn't wait for you to wake up and ran away to Toulouse." I immediately put down the glass of milk I was about to sip. My heart sank like a punctured balloon.

"He must hate me now." I was truly sad. It seemed like P'Tee didn't want me anymore. I lowered my head, trying to suppress the pain.

"Mother doesn't think so. Last night, when Tee came back and saw you in the room, he ran to me with a worried look on his face and asked why you were here. I told him you came to apologize, and he was stunned. He went into the room for a long time. In the end, I don't know why, but he came out and slept outside the room."

"And how far is Toulouse? When will he return?" I won't give up easily. Or do I have to follow him to that strangely-named city?

"It's just a short plane ride, about an hour, but he didn't tell me when he'll be back."

"Should I follow him?"

"It's better not to. I don't know where Tee is staying. The city may not be that big, but I don't feel comfortable letting you go alone. Better wait in Paris. You can take this opportunity to explore the city. There are many places to visit, and the metro can take you everywhere. It's very convenient. Relax and enjoy the city while you wait."

That's why I had to explore Paris alone while waiting for P'Tee to come back. P'Tee's mom gave me a map and even marked the metro stops for different tourist attractions. So I tried to forget about P'Tee for a while and took the opportunity to travel alone...I usually don't get chances like this. No one believes that I can take care of myself. Everyone underestimates me way too much. I'm actually an adult now. I'm already a first-year university student. How hard can it be to just travel alone?

I started by going to the iconic Eiffel Tower in Paris. I got off at the station that P'Tee's mom told me to and followed the signs to the tower. It wasn't difficult at all. The real Eiffel Tower is huge and beautiful. Even though it's made of iron, it has an inexplicable romantic feel to it. The atmosphere was filled with foreign couples holding hands and admiring the view, taking pictures. I looked around and couldn't help but feel sad. I wanted to be here with P'Tee... I hoped that I would get that chance. I wasn't in the mood to go up to the observation deck of the Eiffel Tower, so I decided to take a walk in the Champ de Mars park at the base of the tower. Then, I followed my GPS and walked along the Seine River. Even though I was sightseeing, my heart was too heavy to appreciate anything.

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