Chapter 30 : Threat 🔞

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From that day, P'Tee has been actively proving himself. He takes such good care of me that everyone is jealous of me. When I injured my leg (it was just a scratch and a bruise, really), P'Tee actually went as far as to beg and coerce Korn to let me move in with him temporarily so that he could look after me more conveniently. So, from morning till night, except for when I was in class, I was always with him.

P'Tee wouldn't let me take the train, even though it was just two stations away. He claimed that it would be too crowded and inconvenient for me with my injury. So, I was pampered and taken care of to the point of almost becoming crippled. His friends even teased him, saying that I only had a scratched leg, not a broken one, so he didn't need to be so over-the-top with his care. But would P'Tee listen?

Over the past few days, our relationship has become wonderful again. I don't have to worry about Fa anymore because P'Tee hasn't shown any interest in her. It's like he's trying to focus solely on me. I'm so happy right now, so I'm so happy that it scares me. It's like I'm drowning in a pool of sweet, sticky honey, and I can't get out. I don't know if this is love or a trap to lure insects. I don't know... Let's just take it one day at a time and live in the present.

Actually, ever since the day I hurt my leg, P'Tee hasn't made me have sex with him again. He's been taking care of me and dressing my wound gently. He's even bathed me. But there was still no sign of awakening to see each other clearly. We hugged, kissed, and caressed each other like lovers do, but we never went that far. I find it unbelievable that it's possible. Since he forced me to live with him like this, I thought I'd be too weak and exhausted to go to school every day.

But my tiger turned out to be more of a gentleman than expected. Thanks to my leg injury, I was able to rest my body. It's not that I don't like being treated that way, but if it happened every day, I wouldn't be able to take it. My body needs to rest...

Today, I have class at ten, and P'Tee doesn't have morning class, so it should be pretty chill. I woke up around six in the morning, and the other side of the bed was empty. I'm actually a morning person, like most Chinese people. If I don't stay up late, I usually wake up around this time.

As usual, P'Tee went to the gym early in the morning. He's so full of energy! He goes to bed late, wakes up early, and he's always full of energy. He exercises almost every day and never seems to get tired. Plus, if we have some activities to do at night, he gets even more intense. Sometimes, when we are doing it for a long time, I have to bite his arm to get him to stop so I can get some rest. I almost roll my eyes at his incredible stamina.

I woke up groggy and went to wash my face and brush my teeth. I was planning to take a shower on my own today because ever since I got the wound on my leg, my bathing freedom has been restricted. I've had to let him bathe me every day. I've never gotten to bathe myself. But it's not like that at all. P'Tee bathes me very seriously because he's afraid of my leg getting wet. He washes me like a child, and he doesn't even take off all of his own clothes. Nowadays, when I'm in the room with him, I almost never walk on my own. I'm constantly being carried here and there. I'm going to go crazy.

My wound has started to scab over, so I think it should be okay to get wet. I took advantage of the moment when Daddy Tiger wasn't around and quickly took off my clothes and jumped in the shower. Shower, wait for me!

Oh... the feeling of taking a shower and getting my whole head and body wet is amazing. I even took the opportunity to wash my hair. It feels so good!

As I was rinsing the bubbles out of my hair, I was attacked! My body, under the warm spray of the shower, was caressed from my belly to my face to my chest and then... he grabbed it. I gasped. I didn't have time to struggle. My whole body went limp. His hot mouth began kissing up and down my back, my neck... My sensitive earlobes were licked and nibbled. A delicious tingling sensation shot through my body. I could barely stand.

I love... the fierce tiger जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें