Chapter 27 : Confident

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On Monday, I went to school with my friend Korn as usual. I had agreed with P'Tee that we would act normally, meaning we wouldn't be attached at the hip all the time because we each had our own social circles. During the day, we would meet up during breaks or after school, depending on the situation. As for the evenings, we would decide when to meet up since our rooms were right next to each other. If there were no problems, I could go see him anytime. However, there was one ironclad rule: no sleepovers... which was good because even without sleepovers, I was already exhausted every day. If we had sleepovers, I definitely wouldn't be able to go to school. Haha

Today, I accompanied Korn in  rehearsing activities for the university's Star and Moon contest in order to make it go smoothly on Friday, the actual day of the contest. Another activity was tryouts for sports teams, which Korn also participated in. He's going to compete in basketball and soccer... that tough guy. What's he trying to prove?

As for me, I can play tennis pretty well, so I'm going to try out for the faculty team tomorrow. I'm not really that good, but when I was a kid, my mom forced me to take lessons to improve my concentration and make me stronger because I wasn't very strong as a child. So I have a good foundation, and I'm going to try out.

Today, we had an introductory engineering class in the morning. The entire engineering class was there, and we all sat together in the slope room. Usually, whenever we have a class together, Keo, Dom, Korn, I, and the angels all sit together.

Today is the first time that I am meeting the angels after I agreed to be P'Tee's boyfriend. I don't know how much my friends know about me and P'Tee. For sure, Keo and Korn know, but I'm not sure about Dom.

The angels probably don't know about me yet. Actually, I'm not sure if Fa doesn't feel anything about P'Tee at all. Before, I felt that she had feelings for P'Tee, more or less. But from what P'Tee told me, Fa doesn't seem to think much about it, like she doesn't think anything of P'Tee...which is what I hope happens.

Speaking of which, I feel bad about this, too. It's like I'm stealing my friend's boyfriend, even though they weren't officially dating. I don't know if Fa will find out that I'm the one P'Tee likes, and if she will think that I stole P'Tee from her. The more I think about it, the more I feel like I'm a villain in a soap opera who secretly steals their friend's boyfriend...sigh.

When Korn and I arrived at the classroom, Keo and Dom waved their hands frantically, calling us over. They had saved us seats. Even though Korn and I live close to the university, we usually arrive just 5 minutes before class starts. But people who live far away tend to come earlier because they're afraid of getting stuck in traffic.

I walked to sit next to Keo..Heh...Heh..That bastard Keo..We have some unfinished business, you treacherous friend

"What's up, Pun? It seems that you look around the world for good news already. Congratulations." I turned to give him a deadly glare and slapped the back of his head once. I'm so sick of it.

"Don't act innocent, you bastard, you troublemaker. You betray your friends." The coward quickly fled, laughing nervously.

"I had no choice, Pun. P'Tee is my peer mentor. " Heck, you had a choice. But you didn't choose me..

"Yeah. I'll remember that. But if you ever backstab me again, my boyfriend will show you hell." I threatened, but used 'my boyfriend' instead of P'Tee's name. Both Keo and Korn are equally strong. I'm so sick of them. Even though I drank milk too, how come I didn't grow up to be as tall and big as them?

"Hey, Bland, don't talk about P'Tee like that. He's our bro." Korn said, giving Keo a high-five. These damn friends...

As we were having a lively conversation, the angels entered the room. I didn't have to look to know who they were because there was a great commotion, like usual. Especially now that Fa is the star of the faculty, her popularity has skyrocketed. Everyone is after her.

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