Chapter 2 : Eye contact

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Registration went through very smoothly and uneventfully. No big surprises. After the registration, the seniors showed up, beckoning us to go check out all our faculty stalls. My engineering stall is incredibly big since it houses many disciplines. The seniors told us to sit wherever we wanted to promote unity among us all.

"Bland! Bland! Hey Bland! Bland! Oh! Hey Pun! Bland Pun! Over here."

The sound of my high school nickname being yelled came from the far left-hand corner. Both my nickname and name were called out, so there was no doubt about it. It was one of my cursed friends from my own gang. Yes, that’s right! Korn, my extremely handsome friend, was studying at this faculty too, but Korn was studying Civil Engineering, while I was studying Computer Engineering. My other two friends were no less, they were all studying at the same place, Bo was studying Accountancy, and Ek was studying Business Administration.

I saw a waving hand, so I immediately walked over to find him. I knew he would be sitting waiting at the stall because we had already chatted on LINE.

"Dammit! At first, I thought I had the wrong guy. What have you been up to? Why do you look so cute?"

"You're super cute... It's just that you're not wearing glasses. I told you in our group LINE chat that my mom made me get LASIK surgery so that I could be handsome. And my hair has only grown this long. Don't be so over-the-top." My asshole friend couldn't even bring himself to say that I'm handsome. Is he trying to kill me? What the hell does he mean by "cute"? Before I left the house, I proudly checked out my new look in the mirror. I tried to convince myself that I was handsome now. But then my friend greeted me like that, and it totally bummed me out.

"Dude... You are so cute that the word 'handsome' is light years away from you. You look so damn cute now. And that hairstyle... It's so unseen. My bespectacled Nong Pun-Ping has passed away and transformed into a Korean idol with fair skin. I can't believe it." Korn still kept on blabbering. He grabbed my hair and spun me left and right, walking around me like a golden retriever meeting its owner, only that he didn't wag his tail or lick my hand.

"Pun, Pun, I'm a man. What the hell do you want? It's better to insult me than to compliment me like this." That jerk called me like I was a sissy: Nong Pun-Ping.

"You're clearly a ladyboy in disguise. Oh, I'm so excited! Want to bet with me? I bet there'll be tons of guys after you. Oh, I think I'm going to have to grow a moustache so I can scare off all the guys who try to flirt with you. Hehe." Hehe, like a dad.

"Alright, you stupid, nonsensical bastard, sit down. The seniors are already cursing. What a mess you are."

The older students really did start yelling. My group has a few hundred students in it; it’s big and impressive. If you’re going to lead that many people, you can’t be polite and expect to get through. And so out came the megaphone, microphone, and loudspeakers for this event.

"Hello, freshmen," the older male student’s voice boomed out over the microphone. Unfortunately, his voice was a bit too polite, and the first-years’ chatter didn’t stop.

"Listen up, everyone! Stop talking for just a moment, okay? If we start late, then we’ll all be getting our lunches much later." His announcement was met with relative silence, which I didn’t expect. I mean, how hard is it to just listen to what he’s trying to say?

"Excuse me, everyone. I’d appreciate it if you’d be quiet," a smooth, deep voice addressed the noisy freshmen. The tall, fair-skinned guy in the neat student uniform cut quite a striking figure. He had a certain aura about him.

"Listen up, everyone. Give me just a moment. If you’d just be quiet, I can tell you what’s important today and let you go. Okay?" The same guy continued to speak politely.

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