Chapter 1 : First meeting

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My name is Pun, I’m 18 years old and I just graduated from Mathayom 6. I've never been in love. I don't know what it feels like to be in love. I have never had a crush on a girl. But I do not like men. My friends in the group like to say that I'm frigid, but I don't care. I think everything has its own time. If you force it, it will only be in vain.

I am a skinny, pale man who looks like I have anemia, and I wear big glasses. I don't like to be the centre of attention. I usually spend most of my time hanging out with my friends. My friends are all tall and handsome, but we love each other very much because we have been friends since Mathayom 1 and have experienced both childhood and adulthood together. So, if you look at me from the outside, I may seem different from the others in the group, but we don't care. Friends are friends. We love each other with all our hearts.

I like to read books. Most of the time, I am surrounded by piles of manga, Chinese martial arts novels, or I am playing on the computer, playing games, or learning how to program, which is really fun. However, I am not an otaku or a nerd. My gang is full of fun, just like other boys. When they want to try something new, sometimes I join them.

I tried smoking before. I followed my friends to pick up girls, and I even went back to a room with a bold girl. But  that was only once. When I first tried it, I was very excited because she seemed interested in having sex with me. But I tried to act indifferently. I liked it, but I didn't want to get too obsessed. I felt sorry for her and thought about her parents, and I knew I wouldn't feel good about doing it again. I think it's better to spend my time doing something else.

But my friends, like Korn, Ek, and Bo, are really good at it. They're all good-looking, so girls are always around. But it's their own business, their own lives, and they can do whatever makes them happy. Even though they're like that, I can still hang out with them. We've been friends for a long time, and we can accept each other for who we are. They accept me, and I accept them. They don't force me to do anything I don't want to do. I'm okay with being this way, content with myself, and happy with my own life.

My life was generally peaceful, bland, and as dull as dishwater, until I passed the entrance exam for one of the country's top universities. Deep down, I secretly hoped that I would find something good, have some great experiences, and add some colour to my life. Or maybe I would finally find the love that everyone else seemed to be chasing after.

Reporting Day at University

Today is the reporting day, and I have an appointment with my seniors. It's like a welcoming party and an announcement of upcoming activities. But I heard that it's actually a hazing session. They even warned us in the group chat that being late is not allowed.

But fate played a cruel joke on me because today the traffic was horrible. My university is located in the city centre, so it took me forever to fight my way through the crowds and get on the train. By the time I arrived at the university, I was drenched in sweat, and my armpits were soaked.

Today, I got separated from my friends. Korn drove to the university, but I was too lazy to wake up early. I thought it would be more convenient to take the train, but who would have thought that it would be so packed? It was like being sardines in a can. I was so annoyed.

But the advantage is that you don't have to leave much time, because if you can squeeze onto the train, you'll definitely make it. Sure enough, when I got to the university, I checked the time, and it looked like I would make it, even with a little time to spare. Last night I played games a bit too late, so I was really sleepy when I woke up. This morning, I downed a big cup of coffee, and by the time I got to the university by train, my bladder was full, and I really needed to pee. As soon as I stepped onto campus, I started looking around for a bathroom. I didn't even notice which building my faculty was in. I just wanted to get there first.

When I saw the bathroom, it was like seeing the finish line. I ran as fast as I could and got there in no time. I almost unzipped my pants too quickly.

I opened the door and was shocked. Where was the urinal? If I turned around, I was going to pee myself. I decided to just pee in the toilet bowl. In my haste, I only half-closed the door. I really had to go and didn't have time to lock it. All I wanted to do was relieve myself.

Ahh...Ahh... Oh... heaven. It's true what they say, 'Where there's a toilet, there's a way.' Just being able to let go after holding it in for so long was the best feeling ever. I was in heaven.

After I was finished, before I could even flush, I heard a noise from outside.

Creak...bang. The sound of a door opening. Footsteps, quite hurried...closing...and then a lock.

At first, I thought someone else had come into the bathroom, and I was about to flush and leave because it was almost time for me to report for duty. But the noise had come from outside the stall I was in, so I stopped.

"Aah. Oof... Sss. Don't break my buttons, I have to go report for duty soon."

Holy crap, what are they doing in there?

"Mm," I heard a deep, emotionless male voice respond softly.

"So fast. You're in such a hurry... Oof. More gently, please... Ah... Oh... Sss... Ah, ah, ah."

Holy crap, they're really going at it in there...

Thud, thud, thud. "Ah, ah, ah. Sss... Oh, oh, oh." Thud, thud, thud. The moaning alternated with the sound of the door being slammed and the coarse sound of flesh and fluids colliding. It was crystal clear, like Dolby Digital.

Holy crap...

They're doing it right outside my stall! Seriously, this is crazy!!!

I really want to make some noise to interrupt them. Is this the right time?

My heart tells me to sneak out, but they're doing it right outside my stall. If I go out now, I'll definitely see a live porn movie.. What should I do? I have to hurry to report. My faculty building is far away. You have to understand me. Or should I just pretend not to see anything and run out? Yeah, that's good.

I could only think about it, but I didn't dare to do it. I hesitated. Should I go out or not? "Ah... ah... shit!" The sound was so loud. The surround sound was so clear. Even though there was no picture, I almost got an erection. I don't want to block the path to heaven, but if you don't stop soon, I'll kick down the bathroom door and drag you all down to hell!

"Ah, ah, ah, aaaa...." Fuck... fi...nally, I'm done. The girl's voice sounded like a Japanese AV star, making me almost jump up and down in excitement, but such a situation can't happen. It's frustrating!

"Amazing as always. Can I come over tonight?" The girl's voice was a little hoarse, probably from moaning a lot. I couldn't see her face, but her voice almost trembled.

"I'm busy tonight. Hurry and go." but the voice that responded did not sound like someone who just had a good time. It was flat and cold.

Surprisingly, the girl did not say anything back. Honestly, just listening to it made me realize how shitty the guy was. What kind of asshole brings a girl to the bathroom first thing in the morning? Once he's done and satisfied, he can't just be cold like that. Did he just use her and throw her away?

Ugh... I slightly opened the bathroom door as quietly as I could and slowly peeked through. I saw a broad back and a tall figure. Honestly, I wanted to see that bastard's face. When someone is that much of an asshole, they must have female friends, sisters, or relatives who need to warn them to stay away. He's so evil.

I scanned my eyes quickly and saw a short, almost buzz cut hairstyle with a tattoo!! on the back of the neck, similar to a gear or something, I'm not sure...

A maroon shop shirt, jeans... hey, isn't that shop shirt worn by engineering seniors? Wow... that's intense.

Before the door closed, in just a brief moment when I saw that person from behind, for some reason, the image of that broad back with that strange tattoo was deeply etched in my brain. Even though I didn't intend to remember it, it strangely became firmly embedded in my memory.

And that was the beginning... the story of him and I.

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