Chapter 31 : Defeated ⚠️

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⚠️ This chapter contains harassment over one of the characters... it's very tough, so please read with discretion 😭

In the evening, the contest for the Star and Moon would begin. Korn had gone off to prepare since the afternoon. As for me, ever since P'Tee had come to visit me at the coffee shop, he had refused to leave my side again. He was afraid that I would overthink things, so he tagged along with me everywhere I went.

Actually, P'Tee had class in the afternoon, but when this incident happened, the tiger gang all decided to skip class as a group. P'Tee took me to sit in the library and assigned P'Gor and P'Fame to keep me company. Meanwhile, he and P'Film tried to help each other hack into the program to find the ID and server of the culprit.

I chatted with the two seniors for a while until I started to feel hungry. Actually, all I had eaten that day was a sandwich and some milk for breakfast. I hadn't been able to eat lunch because of the incident, so I asked P'Tee if  P'Fame and P'Gor could go buy me something to eat. P'Tee didn't mind, but he still reminded the other two to take good care of me.

Today was pretty lively because most of the afternoon classes had been cancelled. Some people had already changed their clothes and were getting ready to go to work that night. Meanwhile, I was supposed to be having fun with my friends today... going to support my friend Korn in the contest and cheering him on from the sidelines. Then, I was supposed to have a blast at the concert afterwards... but because of that stupid post, I missed out on everything. I can't even go anywhere by myself...I'm so bummed.

As I was walking along, lost in my thoughts, suddenly I felt a tug on my arm!! Someone had grabbed me! I exclaimed in surprise, and P'Gor and P'Fame immediately rushed over to restrain the person who had grabbed my arm...oh, it's just Dew!!!

It was Dew! I was so startled. He was trying to wriggle free from P'Fame.. I quickly told them that he was my friend. When they saw that it was Dew, they let him go, but they still kept me behind them, preventing Dew from getting close to me.

"Hey, Nong! What are you doing, rushing over like that? You almost got beaten up!" P'Fame began to scold Dew.

"I'm sorry, I was just so happy to see Pun..." He hurriedly explained, looking flustered. He must have seen me from afar and ran over to grab me, not intending to scare me.

"Pan... I... I saw that post. I was really worried about you. I wanted to come and see if you were okay." Dew spoke, looking genuinely concerned.

"I'm okay now, Dew... I'm really sorry that I caused you trouble too." I apologized quickly, feeling genuinely remorseful. I felt like I had tainted him by association, being close to someone like me.

"Pun... I'm okay, don't worry too much. Everyone who knows you knows that the rumours aren't true. You don't have to worry about anything. I'll help you find the person responsible." I looked at Dew with gratitude. He really is a good person.

"Thanks a lot... It would be better if you could keep your distance from me for a while. I don't want you to get into any more trouble than you already are. My seniors are helping me out now, so you don't have to worry."

"Pun... Don't talk to me like I'm an outsider like this. I just want to ask for a chance to take care of you, even if it's just from a distance. Or just to be by your side when you have problems. I may not be as good as P'Tee, but I want you to know that you can rely on me. I'm here for you, always."

I can't help but be touched. Why is someone who I've never given a chance or any hope to being so good to me?

As I was feeling moved, P'Fame came and pulled on my arm.

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