Chapter 7 : I'm not afraid of losing myself, I'm afraid of being heartbroken

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I can't believe I went that far with P'Tee. Just thinking about it makes my face flush with heat. In the end, I didn't dare go out that day. My mind was hazy, and my body felt like it was floating. It felt like it wasn't real. Just thinking about it makes my body tingle. I can almost remember every touch... the expert hands that gripped that part of me... aaaahhhhhhhhhh!

"What's wrong with you, asshole?" Korn asked me. We were sitting, waiting for the cheering session to start. I kept spacing out and blushing every now and then. I must have looked really weird.

"N-Nothing, man... Why?"

"Dude, don't shut me out. We've been friends for years. Why are you acting so weird all of a sudden? Or do you have a crush on someone?" That nosy bastard knew me like the back of his hand.

"So what if I do? Why can't I have a crush on someone? You guys fall for new people every other day," I said, raising my voice to cover up my embarrassment.

"Hey, Bland... history will have to record your love life."

"Damn it, keep it down," I said, quickly covering Korn's mouth with my hand. That idiot was going to shout it to the whole world. Several friends, including Fa's group, turned to look at us with interest. Korn pulled my hand away from his mouth and chuckled, then proceeded to ruffle my hair.

"Aww, look at you, all shy now. How cute." I tried to bat his hand away, but Korn wouldn't let me. He put his gorilla-like arm around my neck, and we started to wrestle, just like we used to. I twisted my body to try to get away, but Korn used his signature move, the "Reverse Bear Hug," on me. I squirmed and thrashed, trying to break free. Our friends who were sitting nearby laughed as they watched Korn and me roll around on the ground.

"Engineering! Line up!!" Holy crap... out of nowhere, the voice of hell boomed out. The command to line up came like a clap of thunder. Korn and I instinctively separated and scrambled to our feet, panting heavily. That bastard Korn is such a dick. He played me so hard that my whole body was in pain. I couldn't even break free when I tried to wriggle out of his grip.

P'Winai, who I hadn't seen since the sports tryouts, suddenly showed up with his whole gang today. The freshmen stood as still as they could, not even daring to breathe too heavily. I tried to control my panting, but I couldn't help but wonder if P'Tee was among P'Winai's group.

"Hello, freshmen. We meet again... Did you miss me? Let me introduce myself. My name is Kit. I'm the head of the third-year disciplinary committee... I didn't come from the very beginning because I wanted to see if you could do well without anyone scolding or nagging you... That's P'Bear-Face over there. He's the real head of the disciplinary committee. I like him. He looks scary, but sometimes he can be funny too."

"But from what I've seen... it's not good enough!! You sang too softly, not in unison, couldn't remember the lyrics, came late, snuck out, and left early. Very bad!!" Here comes another scolding.

"While waiting for your seniors to arrive, you just chatted loudly and played around. How old are you? You have no discipline and no sense of responsibility. I came here today to make you realize this and improve yourself."

"Therefore, I request to see your responsibility as engineering students. Because for engineers, honesty is of utmost importance. The work you do concerns people's lives. So, whoever falls into the category of wrongdoing, as I mentioned earlier, please come out and form a new line on the left-hand side."... Oh no... My friend and I looked at each other, but we both knew very well that we had gone overboard just now. Sigh... Let's just go out. He probably won't kill us.

Several men stood up to form a new line. Korn and I got up and followed them, feeling resigned. I saw Kwan, Aom, and Fa starting to get up as well. They are really good people. They must have been talking to each other while they were waiting, like girls do. The group of wrongdoers was almost half of the total number of people.

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