Chapter 32 : Broken Heart

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My consciousness is starting to fade. My mind is slowly slipping away. My body is in pain, but I have no strength... I don't know how Pim is positioning me or how many pictures she has taken of me... I feel so hopeless, so utterly hopeless...

As I was losing consciousness, I thought I heard a scream. The sound of something breaking. A cloth was draped over me. My body was lifted up and into a warm embrace. A familiar scent...

"Pun, my love...can you hear me?...Pun...hang in there...I'll take you to the doctor."

Whose voice is that... it sounds muffled... like it's coming from far away..

"I'm love...I'm too late...I'm sorry... you're not in pain anymore, my love...I'm sorry."...Who...whose voice is that, lamenting like a broken heart? The voice was soft... but I could feel the pain and sorrow... It hurt so much... Who was saying something? Muttering and being annoying.

Before I passed out, I felt drops of water hitting my face... an embrace that was so tight, it made me tremble... I wanted to open my eyes and look... but I was too tired....


I regained consciousness feeling very groggy... I felt excruciating pain all over my body... even breathing hurt. My muscles were weak as if I was unable to control my own body... I tried to think about what had happened... As soon as I moved, I heard a delighted exclamation.

"Pun.. Pun is conscious.. call the doctor quickly." A woman's voice.. mom..

"Mom..." I called out in a hoarse, dry voice...

"Pun, Pun, my son... How are you feeling? Don't move yet. Let the doctor check you first." I opened my eyes slightly and saw... Mom rushing over to hold my hand. Her eyes were bloodshot, and tears were streaming down her face... Did I make Mom cry?

"Mom... it's okay... it doesn't hurt... Mom, don't cry, okay?" I tried to move and squeezed Mom's hand to let her know that I was okay and to make her stop crying.

"It's okay, it's okay, my dear. Don't move. Mommy won't cry anymore... Pun, just lie still, okay?" Mom tried to wipe away her tears and hugged me tightly so that I wouldn't move. I could only lie still, even though my whole body was in pain. But my heart ached even more... What had I done? Why had I made Mom cry so much?

A moment later, I heard the sound of people coming in. It was quite chaotic. The doctor came in to ask me questions and check my symptoms. I tried to answer in a daze. People were bustling around me... I wanted to talk to Mom, but it seemed like the doctor wanted me to rest. Not long after, I fell asleep again.

When I opened my eyes again, all I saw was darkness. It must have been evening. There was only a dim light on. The nurse must have left it on. I tried to move. Although my whole body still ached, I felt like I had a little more strength. I figured it was probably the after-effect of being electrocuted. It would take a while for me to recover.

As I thought back to what had happened, my heart ached with pain. The thought of P'Tee, Pim, and Fa...

I don't blame anyone else... really, it all happened because of me... Letting myself fall in love with someone I shouldn't have hurt so many people. Not only me, but also Fa, P'Tee, and even Pim... I'm the one who's most at fault in this situation... It's only right that I should end up in this state.

My tears flowed silently... I didn't dare make a sound, I didn't want to wake up my mom... The image of my mom crying, her tears flowing without end, was still deeply embedded in my mind... Like being stabbed over and over again with a sharp knife, piercing the most painful point in my heart... I made my mom cry... Why am I so awful?

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