Chapter 14 : Moons and Stars

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Today, there will be no meeting to cheer. After school, I didn't go anywhere. I stopped to eat in front of the condo building and immediately returned to my room. My father tiger said that he had to work on a project with his friends and would be back late. I don't know if he was telling the truth or lying. I never checked. I don't want to deceive myself or anything, but I want this relationship to be at a point where he and I are happy and comfortable being together.

We already have that level of relationship. Every time is so indescribable. Every day, we find some time to meet each other. Most of the time when we meet, we hardly talk. We just... doing "that." As for anything deeper than that, we rarely find a chance. We don’t have that much time. Moreover, my friends are very suspicious and also clever. I don’t want them to be suspicious.

But not every day is the same. Some days, the tiger daddy threatens me in a brutal way. So I have to sneak and find him in the middle of the night. It’s because our rooms are next to each other. If I find the right time at night, I can sneak and find him. But Korn is a crazy man. One cannot be sure of him. Some days, he watches TV or plays games in the living room and refuses to sleep. Sometimes, he falls asleep while playing games.

But I must try, or the tiger daddy will attack. Coming to my room again will be a problem because the last time he came, he took me to find special skills for several hours. I had to make up lies. Korn was almost miserable before he would believe me. As for the special skill, I am still confused until this day. What P'Tee gave me... sweet skin... moaning loudly... tight and hot...oh...damn. I will go crazy. Each word makes me hot just thinking about it.

Every time I go to see him, the tiger daddy doesn't really talk much. He grabs me and eats me until the sky almost turns strong...haha... thinking about it makes me feel shy.

As for what we are's not any different from before. It's just that I've upgraded from a fling to a wife. Sigh...never mind. I don't want to think about it anymore. Because I'm the one who wanted it this way.

I don't think it would be a good idea for me to come out as his partner like the other girls do. Because first of all, I'm a man, and I don't want people to look down on me or him. If it's just going to be temporary, let's keep it a secret like this. Let's start and end it quietly.

The second is about Fa. Even though lately P'Tee has been behaving very well, not hooking up with other girls and always reporting in to me, I know that the thing with Fa isn't over yet. Deep down, I feel that for P'Tee, Fa is different from other women, and Fa is the one he truly loves.

I know that he is infatuated with me... it could be just about sex or a peculiar new relationship that makes him excited and gives importance to me. But I'm not sure if he loves me... he may call me 'my love' during sex, but he has never said... that he loves me.

Since we got back together...I haven't mentioned Fa again, I haven't asked. At this point, I don't want to know.

I think that some days, when he says he's working late or doing a project with friends, he's still picking Fa up and dropping her off. Even though I don't see it with my own eyes like I used to, I can feel it. Fa seems happy... It's no wonder that Fa likes P'Tee. Someone like him, if he wanted to, could make even an angel fall.

Twang... twang... the sound of the guitar from Korn interrupted my thoughts. That's right, that handsome guy was going to play the guitar to show off his special talent on the day of the engineering star and moon contest. This guy is good. He's good at anything that could help him pick up girls... he plays so well, damn it... I'm stressed...

I told you... I don't have any special talents... like reading 5 Chinese novels a day or being a top-ranked gamer... I can't show that off... what should I do... what should I do...

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