Chapter 25 : Accept

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By the time P'Tee agreed to let me go back to my room, it was already evening. But there was a condition that I had to come back and stay the night with him again... I know what you're thinking, you damn lustful tiger. I know he's the type with high demands. I don't know if I alone will have enough energy to satisfy him... Aaagh!

Actually, P'Tee wanted to come and meet my friends with me, but I asked him to let me clear things up with my friends first because they had a falling out recently. I think that if my friends understand, then the animosity between him and my friends, and me and his friends will probably ease up.

I scanned my fingerprint to enter the room…I felt like a daughter who had eloped with a man and was returning home for the first time…I peeked my head in to look…gasp…my three dads were all home, sitting with serious faces, drinking a bunch of beers. When the door opened, they all looked at me with one eye.

"Heh heh, were you guys waiting for me?" I quickly gave my friends a stupid laugh, hoping that they wouldn't bite my head off.

"Get in here, little Pun-Pun, I'm going to use a stick to hit you. You sneak out to see a guy, disappeared all day and all night. You just returned now !!!" I want to scream. My father is acting up like I'm a girl right now.

I walked and sat down beside Bo... far from my father... I turned to look at Bo... oh my... his face was wrinkled like a pug. I quickly turned my eyes away and looked at Ek... oh my... what's wrong with him? Why is his mouth hanging open like that?

"Hey... guys... calm down... listen to me first."

"Go ahead... I've been worried sick about you, but you sneaked off to secretly see that bastard. He tricked you. Don't be stupid."

"Korn, I'm sorry. I just wanted to clear things up with him. You know I love him. I secretly hoped that he might love me too... I'm sorry for acting like this." My voice started to crack.

"Damn, don't start crying to manipulate me. I'm not your husband. I don't feel sorry for you."

"Asshole… If you say it like that, I’ll fight you. Come on." I immediately threw the cushion at his head; I was so suddenly angry. Even if P'Tee really is my husband, I’m still a man, and I don’t like it when people say I have a husband.

"Korn, calm down. Why are you getting so heated?" Ek quickly tried to calm the situation down. Korn sighed heavily and downed another beer.

I tried to stay calm, but I wouldn't have gotten so heated if he hadn't provoking me.

"So what's going on between you and him? I don't want to scold you too much, but it's not good for other people to meddle in the affairs of two people." Bo added... Speaking like this is a bit better.

"I know you guys are worried, I don't mind scolding me, but I want you to listen to me first."

Korn, Bo, and Ek looked at me fiercely... I raise my hand and rub my face. It is really difficult to make others accept that I am dating a man, especially a man like P'Tee. Who would believe that he would really love me? To be honest, I still find it hard to believe.

But when P'Tee and I agreed to be in a relationship, to open our hearts and love each other... from now on, I must be strong and face everything that comes my way. I need to stand firm for my own happiness and for the person I love.

"We love each other.. P'Tee said he loves me. He just realized it and apologized for everything..Right now..right now he and I are already a couple." I tried to explain slowly. I really hoped that my friends would understand and accept it.

Silence... My friends didn't answer anything. I looked at each of them. It seemed like they were digesting my words.

"Guys... Don't be silent. You can scold me, but I really love him. We're dating now... I want you guys to understand..." Then I finally started to cry... It was really stressful. I didn't want them to be disappointed in me, but I really loved P'Tee.

I love... the fierce tiger Where stories live. Discover now