Babel Session: Epilogue Quiz Show

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It's the Epilogue Quiz Show!

Of course, only Epilogues are allowed to participate and watch this session, so as to not spoil our dear Prologues. And so, welcome, welcome!

I am your host, Moderator Eve, a prim and proper Epilogue just like you all!

Now then, on to our contestants!

On the Red Corner, we have Lilianne les Miserables Beta, and Alicia Alpha!

On the Blue Corner, we have Mana Gamma, and Gehenna Gamma!

On the Yellow Corner, we have Li Fun Xie Beta, and Levia Valenrye Beta!

And finally, on the White Corner, we have... oh, what's that?.... Oh dear. Uh, due to some circumstances, the White Corner will only have Pepe Epsilon! Give him, give everyone a round of applause!

Some circumstances that turned out to be...

Anyway, the rules of the Epilogue Quiz Show are fairly simple!

Each Pair will be given 10 seconds to write their answer on the mini white board provided. After those 10 seconds, you will all raise your white boards, and if you get the answer right, you will earn 1 Team Point, otherwise you lose 1 Team Point.

We've prepared a grand total of a hundred questions, and all questions will be related to events of any of the 24 worlds after the Fall of Babel, so I hope you studied well in the Epilogue Wing!

Some questions are multiple choice, while some others you'll have to give us an answer yourself, but for most of the answers, it's just a single words, and at most 10 words in an answer.

Now then, let's begin the Epilogue Quiz Show!

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Our first question is...

The Supernatural Calamity that pushed Humanity to the brink of extinction in the Beta world is called...

A. Devil's Spawn
B. Angel Fall
C. Corruption Dawn
D. Purgatory
E. Song of Trumpets

Now then, in 10... 9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... Answers please!

Let's see... All teams got it right! Naturally, it's an easy first question.

Now on to question number 2!

The Protagonist of the Epsilon World is...

A. Maya Faye
B. Evelyn Gramlane
C. Felia Zanthier
D. Levia Valenrye
E. Reina Asienté

Answers up in 3... 2... 1...

All teams but Yellow got it right! That's a minus 1 for Yellow. Next!

The religion Melanie created that spread across multiple worlds is called...

Answers in 3... 2... 1...

That's right, it's the Trinity Gods religion! Everyone got it right! On to 4!

The title of Godslayer that belongs to Alicia, who did it belong to before her?

A. Lucifer
B. Michael
C. Eve
D. Sariel
E. Azrael

Surely, you know this, Alicia. Answers in 3... 2... 1...

Only Red and Yellow got it right. Unfortunate for Blue and White, that's minus 1! Moving on to question number 5...

The daughter of Administrator Melanie, Aranela Grant. What is the name of the first item she purified before sending it to the Beta World?

A. Tree of Eden
B. Tree of Emptiness
C. Tree of Void
D. Tree of Desire
E. Tree of Sin

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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