Daily Life of a Doll Maker

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The day starts simple.

On the early dawn, I wake up, greet my little darling dolls, and fix my bed.

After that, I find myself bathing before I realize it, and while enjoying the hot water, I remember my name.

Sophia Télinfer.

I often forget my own name, so I take a bath to remember it. Of course, I do it to wash myself as well.

I don't know why I remembee my name when I wash myself, but mayhaps it has something to do with trauma.

After I finish bathing, I prepare breakfast for myself and my dolls, and we eat together. Sometimes though, their strings get intertwined with each other, and the rhythm of movements break.

It's frustrating, but I'll take it out sometime else.

After breakfast, I read in the library of my home for an hour, sometimes more, sometimes less.

After that, I search for food for my darling dolls. I find food everywhere, in the city streets, in the forest, in the lakes and rivers, out at sea.

As long as they had a heartbeat, it's fine.

I return home at lunch, and prepare a grand feast for myself and my darlings, and we eat together once again.

The afternoon is when my darlings sleep. And as they sleep, I go to my workplace. It's a quiet workplace, but nonetheless, it is filled with respectable people.

In return for my labour, they reward me with food for my darlings. But only enough for my darlings. I have to hunt for my own share by myself.

So before I return home, I prey on the surroundings, and hunt.

I return home for dinner, presenting my dears with a grand feast, eating together with them once again.

After dinner, my darlings become the most active, and start practicing hunting by themselves. However, I become tired, and head to sleep.

When I awake the next day, a new face among my dolls appears. It seems that they were able to hunt successfully. I am proud.

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