Greetings: Angel and Slave II

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Sometimes, it only takes a single strike to end everything. Whether it be the decisive final blow, the decisive surrender, the decisive massacre, it is usually just one thing that ends everything. That said, clearly just one thing was not enough to end this incident.


Even though that girl was impaled, with a sharp spear running straight through her guts, she's struggling to escape as if it's nothing. I have to admit, even I was a bit surprised right here. Maybe I should be a bit more forceful.

“Melissa, keep her down.”

I ordered, and the spear impaling the girl lowered itself, only for another spear to stab her from behind, quite literally grounding her. After I saw she was stuck to the ground, I walked over to her, slowly.

“Now then. I'll ask again.”

My golden eyes flickered and glowed, and my hair and clothing slightly hovered. At the same time, I'm sure the girl could feel her weight decreasing, or rather pulling upwards instead of pushing downwards like gravity would. The reason for that is quite simple, I reversed gravity a little bit.

“Your name?”

Though my voice and the way I said it was so calm, you wouldn't say the same with my actions. The moment I asked for the girl's name a second time, I stomped my foot, returning the gravity I reversed back to it's original state. Sorry, that was a lie. I reinforced the earth's gravity with my own, making the impact the girl would feel more... impactful. Do keep in mind that she still has a whole spear running through her, she's kinda like a barbecued girl.

Well, though I say she looks like a part of a barbecue, she looks way too clean considering. From the moment I stabbed her clean for the first time with Melissa, she never once spit out an ounce of blood. That, and the previous hole that Melissa made when she first impaled the girl has already healed.

“Come now, I know you can speak.”

While it's true that I did see her bite her tongue right off after that strange incantation, I assumed it's already grown back, considering the hole in her body that was made after has already healed.

“Would you prefer I introduce myself first, then?”

I'm getting rather impatient with this girl. She hasn't said a single thing since getting stabbed. She doesn't appear to be a national threat considering I can stop her while hardly using my own power, so there's no point in executing her.

“My name is Allison. Now, common practice tells us that we should say our own names after someone else introduces themselves.”

That said, I doubt this girl will say anything. She doesn't appear to be a native, nor does she look like much of a foreigner either. If anything, she looks completely out of place in this world. Perhaps that would also explain her golden eyes. Usually, golden eyes only appear on those who've forsaken God. However, no sane, living person in this world would ever choose to betray their God. Especially not in this time of war.

She's still silent. I decided to wait, and she doesn't appear to be planning anything. Perhaps she's given up in escaping? If so, that's a plus for me. That said, giving up escape and cooperating are different things. Well, for now let's choose to wait. It's not like I'm in much of a hurry anyway.


I could hear her quiet voice, but that was quicker than I expected. While I was expecting her to answer sooner or later, I wasn't expecting it to be so soon. I was expecting a few hours at least. Maybe she's just weak willed? If so, I might feel bad for bullying her like this.

“Levia, is it?”

It's not that I didn't hear her right, I just generally didn't know what to say. Levia... is a name I've never heard of in my entire life. Usually I'd know the names of prominent figures, possible threats, and of course those who've forsaken God, but Levia is not a name I've heard of.

“I would say it's a nice name, but that would just be rude considering your position right now.”

As a reminder, Levia is still stuck to the floor, stabbed through the heart by Melissa over there. Good work. That said, it would be mean to just leave her as is, so I made Melissa release her. And surely enough, not even 3 seconds later, the entire hole that was proof of the impaling just disappeared, as if it never even happened. Now that's some fearsome regenerative abilities.

“Now then. I'd like to ask a few questions, and I'd be pleased if you cooperate with me without trying to kill me.”

That said, we can't exactly talk on even terms considering she's scarcly clothed. I was trying to make it so that her binding cloth would keep her covered, but she burned it to pieces just a few moments ago, along with the wall behind her a bit. Well, it's no particular problem.

As I snapped my finger, a fresh, pure white, with the feel that their sort of angelic, dress appeared and slid neatly over Levia's body. At the same time, the proof of some chaos that once happened in this room completely disappeared. Don't ask me how, it's kinda hard to explain.

“Follow me, let's talk elsewhere.”

I gestured her to follow, and after confirming that she had no intentions of hurting me, I moved over to my home's garden. Yes, my home. I actually live somewhere in the middle of a forest, in a quiet hut, with a forest clearing as my little backyard or garden. I moved there, and seeing as she quietly followed me here, I decided to be nice and prepare some tea for ourselves.

As I sat down on a chair on the little balcony, and while I was admiring the scenery of my little garden, I realized something. That is, this girl, Levia, is rather timid. So I have reached this conclusion: getting answers to my questions will prove difficult.

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