Babel Interlude: Hero and Demon Lord

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In a bar hidden far from main streets, there sat a young woman. She was wearing a black leather jacket, paired with some jeans, and a white undershirt. She had long, straight black hair, and although her eyes were closed, they were a pretty purple color. The woman was drinking a glass water, despite having 2 glasses of fine wine right in front of her.

She's late...

The woman was seemingly waiting for someone, as her finger rapidly tapped the counter in impatience. Only then, did the door behind her open. The new guest was warmly welcomed by the bartender, and then looked around before fixating her gaze on the young woman.

《Mana, you really need to pick easier spots...》

The girl sat beside the young woman, Mana. The girl looked to be roughly the same age as Mana, sporting a fresh white blouse and a fluttery brown skirt. She had messy, short, golden hair, and innocent sky blue eyes. Looking like a proper heroine, she took one of the wine glasses in front of Mana and gulped it down in an instant.

《Reina, slow it down...》

The heroine was named Reina, and she held the role of Hero, with her Hero Concept, while Mana played the role of Demon Lord, with her Evil Concept. Although the two are portrayed as archnemeses, the truth is that they were best of friends. The two would often meet in quiet places in between Game sessions to relax and hang out as themselves, disregarding their roles as Hero and Demon Lord.

《How'd the paparazzi fare?》

That said, the two were still famous, being the Hero and Demon Lord. The main reason why Mana chose such a secluded bar to meet is to throw off any followers that Reina would've most definitely had.

《A royal pain in the ass. How come only I get all the fanfare?!》

Although in the Game sessions, Reina hid her identity by crossdressing and becoming Reinhart, an extremely recent incident exposed her identity, leading her private life as Reina to be full of stalkers, paparazzi, and fans. On the other hand, Mana, despite not hiding her identity at all, never had any of Reina's troubles.

《Goes to show how famous you are, Miss Hero.》

Mana snickered as she teased Reina, the latter of which was angrily pouting while pouring herself another glass of wine, then chugging it down immediately again.

《I don't wanna be famous... The whole reason "Reinhart" was a thing was because I wanted to keep my private life... well, private. I even asked the Moderators to help me out, but all for what...》

The young heroine was sulking. She's not exactly a strong drinker, in fact, she's already drunk from just the two wine glasses. Mana pat her on the head to console her, but the young heroine only continued to whimper.

《It is what it is, Reina... Tell you what, if I get matched with Nemphis in one of the next Games, I'll beat him to a pulp for you. How's that sound?》

Mana suggested a playful beating as revenge for revealing Reina's identity, but the heroine only shook her head, poured another glass, chugged it down, then slammed the glass unto the counter.

《Kill him.》

Some rather ominous words escaped the Hero's mouth, and despite her red flushed face painting cute colors on her, her eyes were as blank as an empty canvas. Reina was dead serious about her request to kill Nemphis.

《Um, that might be...》

Mana, the reasonable one, tried to dissuade Reina from that line of thought, but the Hero was currently lacking a bit in mercy.

《Kill him.》

She reiterated her request, and Mana, the ever so good friend, had no choice but to accept her request to murder the man who exposed Reina's identity, even if it was accidental.

Though, the only reason she could even do that in the first place without thinking too hard about the consequences is because death is never permanent in Babel. Everyone knows that. At most, you'll be incapacitated for a few days, but you'll eventually be revived.

《Let's change the topic.》

Mana took her glass of wine and slowly gulped it down. That was her first glass, while Reina, red as a beet, was now on her fourth. Mana had considerably better alcohol tolerance, especially compared to Reina, so it'd take a few shots to turn her drunk.



Upon hearing the Hero cry her name, Mana turned to her and gently opened her arms, after which the flushed Hero fell into them and cried into the Demon Lord's ample bosom. Reina was a crying drunk.

《I just... hic, don't get it, hic, y'know...?》

Hiccuping while she spoke in tears with her voice muffled as she was still crying into Mana's breasts, awfully specific, but whatever, Reina continued to complain about her life as she always did when she was drunk.

《Yeah, yeah... Let it all out...》

Mana gently comforted Reina and made her feel safe, though most likely, she just treated her like a child. Although her actions were very mother-like, her face was blank, she was so used to this to the point that it was concerning.

《And then... hic, just the other day... hic, that stupid Leander... hic, he just ignored me, hic! I even went up to, hic, him and said hi! Hic.》

The Hero continued to complain in tears while Mana refilled her glass and drank it down while comforting Reina.

《Mhmm, how rude of him, huh...》

《I'm glad I have you, hic, Mana... Hic. I, hic, love you...》

Less teary now, the young heroine decided a great pillow would be Mana's breasts, and so she tucked herself in while hugging Mana, and then immediately dozed off, or rather, passed out.

《You piece of...》

The Mana in question looked fairly angry at the heroine, how she made her shirt wet from her tears and was now sleeping right on her, quite frankly, comfortable looking breasts. But she couldn't be completely pissed off at her. After all, the poor girl had been followed by crazy fans for the whole day before coming to this bar. Just for today, she let her be.

《...I love you too, Reina.》

The Demon Lord kissed the Hero on her forehead before paying the bartender the bill. The fans would probably be swarming Reina's house, so she decided her home would be safer. Mana carried Reina on her back all the way to her home safely, escaping prying eyes and crazy fans. She tucked Reina into her bed and watched her sleep, until she herself became sleepy and drowsily waddled over to her couch. Not long after, she fell asleep to the sound of the AC and Reina's quiet breathing.

Just another day in the life of the Hero and the Demon Lord.

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