The Fixer

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A Fixer is a person dedicated to "fixing" things, whether it be deals, meetings, or events. A Fixer fixes these things as subtly as possible, else they risk their identity to be exposed. And so, a Fixer is usually one that is unsuspecting, perhaps a young girl, pretty, charming, but overall, completely unsuspect.

A young girl, looking to be ripe of age. Her hair is a pleasing azure blue, just like the sea, and her eyes, despite being the same shade as a night sky, show a glint of gold, shining and shimmering, perhaps even quite literally. She wears nothing more than an oversized white shirt, so big that it's enough to cover her entire body. That's not to say the girl herself is tiny, the shirt is simply too big.

The girl stands atop a ruined, shattered, fallen building in the dead of night, waiting. There was no light anywhere in the area around her, not even from the moon itself, as the moon was hiding behind clouds. Yet, her figure seems to be glowing, radiating even, she was a light in this silent night. She sighs, as she continues to wait for something. And just as she sighed, she shuddered, as the air turned cold, the breeze flows in.

《A Singularity has awoken. Squishy, it's time to fix it.》

The girl quietly murmurs as shadows converge around her glowing body, forming spikes on the ground in all directions, facing away from her. The girl closes her eyes slowly, and begins feeling the cold breeze. At first, there was only the sound of the wind flowing.

And then, the ground started shaking, and the ruined building the girl stood upon crumbled, forcing her to jump off and move elsewhere. The shadows around her followed her, as her light was the source of the shadows. The moment the girl landed on stable ground, it began rumbling once more, and from the shaking earth emerged a beast.

A serpent with majestic dark scales that reflected the light of the moon that was previously hiding in the clouds. It was large, much larger than the girl it was bearing it's sharp fangs against. It was large, but even more so, it was long. No matter how many curls and loops it's body formed, the end of it was nowhere in sight. It was glaring menacingly at the girl in front of it with it's black, bloodshot eyes, hissing and growling. And yet, despite the beast in front of her, the girl only sighs in regret, looking at it with pity.

《The Serpent of Desire... Lucifer, it's a shame to see you turn into this monster.》

Upon hearing it's name, the beast's– no, Lucifer's scales started shattering, one by one, slowly, each scale revealing an eye just as menacing as it's main eyes beneath them. The shattered scales formed spirals down Lucifer's body, and each eye hidden beneath the scales twitched and looked over to the girl. The serpent roared loudly as it's scales shattered, and a large, bloody ring formed above Lucifer's head. The ring above it was exuding a dark light, and spiraling down it were eyes, just like the serpent's body. This was the Serpent of Desire, Lucifer the Fallen.

Lucifer hissed at the girl before rushing down on her, it's entire body weight falling down with it. Surely, the girl would be crushed to death in an instant with this attack, but what the serpent failed to realize is that the girl was far, far more powerful than it could ever be.

The girl glared back at the snake as it rained down unto her. The shadows around her extended and formed large hands, reaching out to the serpent, and grabbing it from it's sides. She stopped Lucifer in it's tracks, and then forcefully, slowly, her shadows tore the serpent's body apart, and continued to do so easily, as if the sheer size of the serpent was nothing in comparison to her power. The serpent was screeching loudly, in pain, suffering as it's body was being ripped apart. After the screaming, there was nothing else, as the snake laid on the ground, nearing death. The girl overpowered Lucifer so easily, it was as if there was no threat to begin with.

The girl jumped up, and landed carefully on Lucifer's head, between it's eyes. With her bare hands, she dug into the serpent's scales, and pulled out a single book from the serpent's head. She inspected the book before dropping it into her shadow, and then she looked back at Lucifer, her eyes still filled with pity.

《...What would Alicia think of you, if she saw you in this form?》

Lucifer's head jerked as she asked this question, as if in fear. She placed her hand on Lucifer's wound, where she dug her arm into. Her shadow covered the wound, and it quickly rejuvenated. No longer was the serpent hissing or roaring, instead, it was silent. It's eyes, the main eyes, the eyes beneath the scales, and the ring's eyes, all turned calm, and looked carefully at the girl.

《You... are... good...... Thank... you.》

Lucifer spoke, his weak voice reverberated around the air. He thanked the girl for bringing him back to reason. Despite his head being disconnected from the body, he can stay alive for a while, and perhaps die in peace.

《I'm merely doing my job, Lucifer. Once you die, you should return to your post as well.》

Lucifer scoffed at her reply, his mouth slowly formed a grin, as his eyes close.

《Yes... I shall... do that...》

He once again opened his eyes to look at the girl once more. Her absurd appearance of a pretty blue-haired lady wearing nothing more than an oversized shirt makes him want to laugh, but he knows he will die sooner if he does, so he refrains.

《Fixer... What is... your name...?》

The girl looks at Lucifer, into his eyes, and her eyes flickered to a bright, glowing gold. Her shadows converged around her, covering her in darkness, before releasing her, and revealing a woman that was loved by all before all of this happened.

《Elizabeth Nivanie, the Witch of Hope.》

Her azure blue hair and golden eyes reflected on Lucifer's eyes, before he closed them one last time. His vision went dark, and his life ended there. Elizabeth grieved the devil's death for a moment, but continued on with her journey the next moment. She connected her shadow with the corpse of the serpent's shadow, and swallowed the serpent's ripped apart body into the shadows in an instant.

Come the morning sun, all that would have remained of that place were the ruined buildings, and traces of a pretty young lady that was in the area, but left soon.

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