Hunger: Levia Valenrye

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Unless you are an absolute idiot who just ignores these, in which case go ahead and be traumatized, then please be informed that this story contains the following:

Sexual implications, cannibalism, gore, a detailed food review, and an albino loli, so don't get 📯y while reading it.

Thanks for reading.


Hunger and famine are global problems. It's not as though they exist only in certain countries or civilizations, they are conflicts that know no end. At times, war ensues because of them. Other times, famine occurs because of war.

I am but a simple countryman. By no means am I a soldier, nor am I a god that can turn the tides of battle. That's right, I'm nothing but a simple lady. But others don't seem to believe that.

I wonder why that is? I eat, drink, sleep, and work just like everyone else. It's often said that those who don't work, don't eat, so then why is it that I only have such little portions?

People usually think that I'm in a lower position than them. But in truth, that's not the case at all. We're all equal here, we're all human. None of us are born superior to the other, none of us are born inferior to another. So then why is it that people think that that is the case?

In the morning, I wake up early. I eat my fill of the day, and then I do the laundry. In the afternoon, I play with the village children, then I prepare dinner for the men at work. Then at night, I visit the lord's manor for my nightly activities.

This course of events loop from day to day, never changing. It is an eternal loop that never breaks, because nothing ever changes in this town. Nothing except the people living in it as generations pass.

Sometimes I wonder if the next day has even come. What if today is actually yesterday? What if tomorrow will be today? Sometimes I wonder if I'm actually living in the present. And yet, I don't question it, I'm only left to ponder.

I like to think of myself as a desirable woman. I have a slender figure, a petit body for my age, exotic silver hair, and bewitching red eyes. I've heard that quite a lot of people desire this type of woman, and yet the only ever person I've ever served was the lord in his manor.

Sometimes I wonder why I'm not allowed into the fields. Whenever I try to enter them, one of the male workers always finds a way to stop me. I'm also usually left alone at my home, with no one else. I don't have any family so to speak, the villagers told me that my father and mother suddenly went missing when I was very young, but sometimes I doubt their words.


Today I was playing with one of the children, when I realized they've been coughing for quite some time now at short intervals. Obviously, this was worrisome, but since he said he's already had a doctor take a look at it, I'm sure everything will be fine.

Was what I thought, but the next day, more children started coughing and hacking too, it was as if it was spread. And yet the village doctor didn't say anything about it. The doctor said that they were completely healthy physically, which I won't doubt. The children were definitely still as energetic as ever, the only difference being their heavy coughs.


Today, one of the children who would usually play together was just standing there absent mindedly. He was the first one to start coughing, and now he's standing there as if his mind was elsewhere. Usually, he'd be the loudest in the bunch, and yet today, he was just too quiet. Once again, the doctor said that nothing's wrong with him physically, but he recommends that all the children stop gathering around and rest at their homes for a while.

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