The Weeping Angel

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There is a concept known to a large chunk of humanity, the concept of a "weeping angel". A weeping angel is a statue of an angel that moves when it is not looked at, but stays still when in vision of a body.

《Over there.》

In the middle of a large desert under the heat of the morning sun was an enormous statue of the common depiction of an angel, made of an unnatural stone. The statue was so large that you could see it from a horizon away, and it had extremely unnerving and specific details. Even a half-blind person could see that it was an angel of beautiful long hair, braided to the back. However, it had no face.

The angel statue had strange details, it was crying, despite having no face, and it's arms are actioned in a way that it looked as though it was wiping away it's tears. However, the unnerving detail of the statue was in what looked to be it's clothing. The angel was depicted as wearing a robe of light color, with human eyes spiraling around the robe, each eye detailed enough to show that each one was bloodshot, and wide open.

The eyes were moving. Despite the statue unmoving, completely stationary, the eyes on the clothes were moving, twitching, perhaps even breathing. Yet the giant statue shows no sign of movement, not even an inch.

《The Weeping Angel, Sariel the Protector...》

And walking towards the statue, keeping an eye on it without blinking, was a lone young girl. She had azure blue hair, just a slight darker shade than the sea on the other side of this desert. Her eyes are reminiscent of a night sky filled with stars, yet there was a golden glow behind those eyes of hers. Though despite her noble appearance, she was wearing nothing but an oversized white shirt to cover her entire body. A rather strange girl.

The girl was walking slowly towards the statue, never keeping her eyes off it, not even to blink. Her footprints on the desert sand quickly disappear after every step she takes, in which she has taken countless already. She has been walking for hours now, trying to reach the statue, yet it feels as though she's not moving at all. But that's not the case. She is moving, the statue is just that large that it looks as though you're not getting any closer to it.

The girl is producing multiple shadows, despite the sun only facing one side of her. Each shadow moves along with the girl, but none of which follow her exact movements. One shadow could be yawning, while the other would look as though it was struggling in the heat, while another would walk diligently. But the girl is not bothered by the discrepancies of her shadows. She continues to walk towards the statue, never once blinking.

However, her plans of not blinking would falter, as the wind would send sand to her eyes, forcing her to rub it off, taking her eyes off the statue for a split second. Just a split second, half a second. And when she faces forward to look at the statue again, there it was, right in front of her, facing her, each human eye on it's clothes looking straight down at her, it's large size becoming apparent now, as even just it's feet is already far, far larger than the girl.

But the girl did not falter. Rather, she was splendidly surprised it chose to move closer, and accepted it willingly, as her goal was to get closer to the statue regardless. The girl looks at the sheer size of the statue, and starts thinking to herself. A few of her shadows produced eyes for itself to look directly at the statue.

The girl pondered for a few moments. She had no need to brute force this Singularity as she did the last, and she had time to think. The statue is docile. She knows that. It is merely it's sheer size and speed that makes it difficult to catch and fix.

The girl looked over to the giant statue's shadow, while her shadows continue to keep their eyes on the statie itself. She pondered for a moment, before moving to test a theory. The girl stepped on the statue's shadow, and merged it with her's. Now her shadow is also the statue's shadow, and so her shadow began swallowing the statue whole.

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