Encounter: Witch of Ink

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"Those documents..."

I looked behind as my co-worker noticed the papers I had in my hand.

"Ah, yeah. I know I'm not in charge of the investigation, but I'm still curious. The docs are a shared archive anyway, so there's no problem.... I think."

"Somehow... I'm worried..."

Ignoring my co-worker, I look back at the files on my hand. In front of the pile of papers was a witness report. The guys in charge of this case went to the place the witness mentioned, and they came back with ink all over their boots. I really don't know nor do I wanna know what happened to them, so I didn't really ask. The place they went to seemed to be rather close by, so I thought about checking it out for curiousity's sake.

When I arrived at the place, I won't lie, it looked so suspicious. It was in a dark alleyway right next to our company's trusted printing service providers. And it smelled like hell. No, seriously, what is this smell? It's so dense that even my mouth is starting to hurt. It looked creepy, so I was about to back out, but for some reason instead of moving backward my feet troded forward.

I don't know what I'm doing. Why do I feel like I'm getting closer and closer to something dangerous? I don't like this feeling. My heart and mind is telling me to go back, they're trying to send me all sorts of signals, but for some reason my body just won't stop moving forward. I really don't like this. This alleyway, even though it's a rather small area with a dead-end, it felt so long and so spacious. With every step I took I could hear something dripping, and something oozing, and the horrible smell from before became harsher. It was hard for me to even breathe, so why do I keep moving forward?

I could hear so many things. Yet all I see is a pitch black darkness. I could hear rats moving about, I could hear the businesses of the people going about their daily do's, I could hear water running an dripping, I could hear the cars passing by. And yet, for some reason, all I could see was this pitch black darkness, and the only thing I wasn't able to hear was my own body. Ever since I entered this pitch black alleyway, I could hear so many things, all except for own own breath, my own footsteps, and most importantly the dangers that my mind and my guts tried to warn me about as I walk through this place.

Slowly, I continue walking forward, deaf to the dangers, as my curiousity leads me through this darkness. With each passing step, I could hear more suspicious sounds, like crying, or humming, singing, or talking. All of these suspicious sounds, or rather these suspicious voices, came from the direction I'm walking to. And as I move forward, these voices get louder and louder. How long have I been walking now? I don't know. As I grow closer to these voices, the background noises also grow quieter.

Eventually I stop in my tracks. I never noticed since I was so fixated on moving forward, but I'm sweating as though I just finished a marathon. And my sweat was cold, and running all throughout my body. My mouth was wide agape, and my feet and hands were trembling. I was afraid. I don't know what's going on anymore. Everything around me is a pitch black darkness, and all I could hear is the voice of a woman, so close, yet I can't see her.

A woman. Singing, crying, moaning, humming, talking, groaning, sighing, breathing. Before I noticed, these were the only things I could hear. My eardrums weren't defective, yet these were the only things I could hear. I tried moving my foot forward, but it wouldn't budge. Only then did I realize, that I was completely covered with the pitch black darkness that was surrounding me. I don't know what's happening. I want to run away, I'm afraid, and yet my body keeps trying to move forward. Even though my legs, my feets wouldn't even move an inch, I could still feel them trying to move forward. As this gooey black liquid slowly rolls through my body, the only thing my body tries to do is move forward. I don't even know what I'm doing anymore.

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