Meeting: Angel and Slave I

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My name is Allison. I want to consider myself an ordinary traveler, but against every single circumstance, I can't. I am an Angel. Well, to be more specific, I am a Fallen Angel. My wings are black, and I am extraordinarily pale. Some people who've met me have even compared me to a doll.

But enough about me. See, I found something unusual today. A slave. Well, considering the times, slaves are not uncommon, but the one I found was particularly interesting. She was isolated from all the other slaves in the market. She was pale, and so skinny you could see her bones, but yet the keeper told me that she was the one they fed the most. She looked to be a former noble judging from her silver hair and overall body-shape, well, if we disregard her current state. However, what I found interesting about her was her lack of magic power. Every living being in this world has magic power, regardless of the amount, yet this girl had none of it. They tied her up so tightly, shut her mouth so much that she can't even open it up, and even blindfolded her. I must admit, I was very fascinated.

I'm not usually the type to be interested in the unknown, and yet this slave made me question everything I knew the moment I laid my eyes on her. And so it's only natural what the next thing to do was: I bought her. The keeper told me to be careful in transporting her, but unless she posed an absolute threat, I doubt I'll have any problems.

And so I've arrived at my home with my brand new slave. She was still completely restrained so there was little to no problem in bringing her here. Now, the main dish is about to be served.

Carefully, I untied the blindfold that was blocking her vision. I could hear her voice that she can't let out due to the restraints on her mouth, but I feel as though she's cursing me. As I take off her blindfold, she was heavily adamant on keeping her eyes shut. But that wouldn't be for long.

As I stared at her with my golden eyes, I'm sure she could feel an intense sense of discomfort. And sure enough, her face started distorting. She couldn't do much since her face muscles are restrained, but I could still see little changes in her complexion, specifically her eyebrows.

I continued to glare at her until she opened up her eyes. I will not continue to strip her off her muzzle and restraints until she shows me her eyes. After all, the eyes are the gateway to one's soul. Depending on the eyes of this girl, there's a chance I may have to execute her right here.

That said, I never imagined this situation.


The Angel continued to stare at the slave until she opened her eyes. However, before she could get the chance to see her eyes, a black, oozing, and somewhat blurry object protruded from the slave's behind, and attacked the Angel. Surely such a surprise attack would be unprecedented, even for an Angel. And yet the Angel continues to stare at the slave's closed eyes, leaving herself unprotected.

The answer to why she didn't bother with the attack is simple: she didn't need to. As the Angel continued to pressure the slave into opening her eyes, golden chains appeared from the floor, the walls, the ceiling, from everywhere and repelled the blurry objects coming from behind the slave.

Noticing that her surprise attack hadn't worked, the slave forfeited herself and opened her eyes, revealing the same shade of gold as the eyes of the Angel. However, despite the Angel remaining calm, the slave wasn't so, as she immediately jumped and tried to crawl away despite her restraints, to no avail of course. If you were to look closely, you'd notice that the slave's eyes became a dark crimson color, and filled with fear.

When the Angel returned the slave to her original position, she slowly reached for the muzzle that was restraining her mouth movement. Carefully, she took the muzzle off and put it away. And then the Angel spoke.

“Your name?”

were the only words to come out of her mouth. A question, and a fairly common one. Waiting for an answer, the Angel patiently sips a cup of tea.

“...leáh, fáhl, pye.

The slave spoke three words and bit her tongue. Immediately after, the binding cloth and rope that were used to tie her up sparked an ember and burst into flames. Assuming herself to be free, the slave immediately tried to escape, but was unfortunately restrained by the same golden chains that repelled the blurry objects that also originated from her.

“I don't know what you are, but do know that it's impossible to repel these chains.”

As she said these words, the slave was struggling to free herself as she was tied up like a knot. She then opened her mouth and directed it to the chains. Noticing something was amiss, the Angel extended her hand and called out a name.


At the command, a sharp spear popped out of the ground and impaled the slave. If this were any ordinary person, they would have died immediately. However, the situation with this slave was different.

After all, this slave is not a living being.

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