les Miserables

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Twins are an interesting concept. How is it possible for two children to have the exact same appearance, even if they are born to the same mother? Is it usually not the case that siblings must have some sort of age difference? Twins fascinate me, very much so, and especially so because I have one myself.

I was born to a family who's heirs always produce female twins, without fail. I am no exception, of course. As the next heir to the les Miserables family, my mission in life is to find a suitable man and bear children with him.

That said, it is much easier said than done. Our family is ostracized and discriminated against, because we place females as our heirs. In this world of male supremacy, it's only natural that that would cause mockery among folk.

Which is why it's hard to find a man who would love you. In the first place, it's difficult enough to find anyone who would recognize you. However, as the next heir, it is my duty to find that man.

And yet... and yet...! Despite my efforts, I was never able to get close to any man, no matter how much I bribed them, no matte how much I offered myself to them, not a single man would dare to take my hand! Why?!

I am beautiful, my personality is fair if I do say so myself, my twin sister and I are exactly alike, yet why?! Why is it that the men always flock towards her, and never me?!

I can agree that my sister is most definitely more likeable than I am, but that's more due to the fact that she has no need to chase for a man who can bear her children. As such, it's only natural for men to chase her rather than me, what with how desperate and pitiful my attempts look.

My sister is gentle, and even though she's older than me, I was chosen to be the heir because I was the one of us two capable of bearing twins. To be honest, I like my sister. I like her very much so, I'd even say I love her. Well, that's natural as siblings, isn't it?

Well, apparently not. My own mother told me about the relationship of her and her twin sister. At first, they were close enough to be called friends, but then at one point they started to drift away from each other, and one started to hate the other.

I fear that the same may happen to my sister and I, but I would rather that not happen. My sister is a good sister, she's a good person. Much better than I am...

To be honest, I'm jealous of her. For many reasons. Even though we have the same face, the exact same looks, it always feels like she's more beautiful than I am, like she's shining brighter than me. All the men, even the ones I tried to chase, are chasing after her. She's well-liked, despite being from a family that deviates from the norm...

I'm jealous of her. She's a good person, and I admit that, but that's what makes me so jealous. How did she end up as such a nice person, how did I end up so wicked? Even though I end up all alone, even though she's surrounded by people who like her, even though she's so popular, she still remembers me. She still puts me at the top of her head. I'm jealous. Why is she not the heir? Why did I, the less lileable twin, end up as the heir?

Come to think of it, I hardly ever see her at home. We see each other during breakfast, dinner, and during our commute to school, but oftentimes I'm busy being educated, so I hardly had the time to see her. Even still, even though we hardly see each other at home, she still treats me so gently. Why is such an angel not the heir? Why did it have to be me?


When my sister and I arrived back home, my private tutor was waiting for our return. That would mean it's to the books immediately after returning from school... Even though I want to learn more about my sister's life at home...

“Madame, would it not be possible for a day-off? Just today?”

I spoke out of line. No, I didn't mean to say that. Why did my mouth open? I can see it already, a lecture. My aunt's mouth opened, but mother was walking behind her, and gently touched her shoulder.

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