In All Seriousness

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A/N: Hey! How's everyone's summer going? It's already July, and we only have a month and a couple of weeks before we have to go back to school, and I'm definitely not ready. I mean, who's ever ready to go back to school? This chapter is kinda a filler for my ideas that are brewing for the next chapter ahaha.

And I apologize for those who've followed me and received emails about my rant from a couple of days ago. I was upset about a fellow WP author using a variation of Masami's name, personality, and situation for their fanfic. It seriously irked me to no end. But I'm really grateful to have such awesome friends/followers like you guys to help me through with this not-cool situation.

Anyways, that's a pic of Masami playing against the imaginary characters in her head as she's practicing. Don't forget to leave me comments (because who doesn't love receiving comments?) and votes!  Sorry that this was kinda a filler.


            "How's your new dance studio? Any improvements?" Otou-san asked me one night over our family dinner. I chewed thoughtfully on my dumpling, swallowing it before I answered him.

"Yes, otou-san. King-san is pretty nice, and his techniques are really different from Hitomi-sensei's, so it was a bit difficult to adjust at first, but King-san said that I'm one of the best students he has even though we've only been here for three days."

"Hm," he grunted. King-san had been working us all pretty hard, making us stay from ten in the morning until three in the afternoon. After dance, I was too exhausted to go to the basketball court I found on the way home from the first day. Dusk had already fallen, and otou-san didn't want me to leave the house since I was still unfamiliar with the new neighborhood we moved into.

"Excuse me, I finished dinner." I stood up, pushing my chair back. I slid the chair back under the table before taking my empty bowl to the sink, leaving it to soak in the water. I hastily made my way up the stairs and entering my room, the first door on the right. Gently closing the door, I switched into a pair of basketball shorts and my Seirin practice jersey. Grabbing my basketball and shoving it into my duffle bag with a clean towel and a water bottle, I cracked open my door just a little bit.

"Otou-san, I'm going to bed!" I hollered down the stairs, knowing that he wouldn't check up on me later. I closed the door, not waiting for his response. I unlocked my window and surveyed the drop that I would have to make. Tossing my duffle bag out the window, it landed with a solid 'thump' on the ground. I crouched on the window sill, leaning out the window towards the branch that looked pretty sturdy. My fingers wrapped around the branch, heaving myself towards it. Being flexible, I was able to swing my right leg at 172 degrees up to hook it around the branch. Once I was sitting on the branch, I slowly began my climb down towards the ground.

Once or twice, my basketball sneakers would slip on a branch, causing my heart to jump into my throat. With the loud poundings of my heart in my ears, I shakily descended down the tree, shimmying my way through the gnarled branches. Stray leaves ensnared themselves into my hair with sharp branches whipping at me. Seeing the green grass underneath me from my position in the tree, I closed my eyes and counted to three silently before dropping down the remaining six feet, give or take a foot or two.

My instincts kicked in as I felt the ground quickly rush up to greet me. I tucked my head and knees in toward my chest and my right arm curving in front of me. I flatted my right shoulder and shoulder blade, making sure that they could take the brunt of the roll without much damage. Having done jumping-rolls in dance numerous times before, I was pretty good at protecting myself. I felt the dull ache in my back as I sprang up from my roll, bouncing on the balls of my feet.

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