The Dragon Tells the Truth

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A dragon's instincts were never wrong. Especially if the father dragon forced himself to awaken from his slumber.

Something annoying has attached itself to my young.

They were careful not to let Tara come into contact with shitty, stinky men.

When the little halfling got home, there was Rhae with his arms crossed, frowning at her. Radish was walking in front of her.

"I thought you were in your slumber," Radish asked.

"I sensed some annoying, worthless piece of shit and I'm not wrong," Rhae said. He loathes someone else's scent rubbed on his daughter. He does allow Radish's, Eruhaben's, or his baby brother's scent on her but not a damn-fucking someone else. That sweet and rosy scent—A playboy attached himself to my baby!

"Who's the unlucky bastard?" Eruhaben asked. He's too direct, to the point that Rhae and Radish frowned.

Rhae's words were interrupted by Tara, who pulled her hair to the front, combed it, and spoke with her mouth close to her hair. It is a typical shoujo manga cringe when a girl is caught off guard by love. Simply the vice of new spring: falling in love.

Tara: (〃ノωノ)

Rhae: ಠ෴ಠ

Radish: Ψ ('益'# )↝

Eruhaben: ρ('-_-`●) "Like father, like daughter." while shaking his head.

"I am not sure. I just met him," she replied. Tara felt like she was being interrogated by her fathers. "He said his name was Luke Thames."

*cracks* (╬≖_≖) Rhae's expression turned even sourer. The edge of the table broke with his grip strength.

Nobody can have my baby.

"Is he handsome?" Rhae inquired.

"Don't worry, dear; you are more attractive than him." Radish responded.

"Is he stronger than me?" Rhae inquired.

"Who the hell are you calling strong? You are a dimwit, bloody noddle." Radish rejected him with vigor and glared at him. "You should ask if he's stronger than me."

Eruhaben *pfft's* loud enough to make Rhae frown even more.

"Is he richer than me?" Rhae asked again.

"I don't know. I just met him." Tara replied.

"Between you and him, whose stronger? You shouldn't go after weak men." Rhae's final question stilled everything inside the lair.

Rhae stared at Radish, who simply sighed. Eruhaben's brow twitched.

They all looked at Tara.

"He... rendered me weak. I didn't know how he did it but—" Tara gazed at him shyly. Trying to make herself smaller but she's a giant! A tall woman with 1000% looks.

"But?" Rhae moves closer. His brows couldn't get higher than they do right now.

Tara blushed and looked at her father, saying, "It felt good. (⁄ ⁄>⁄ . ⁄<⁄ ⁄)"

(╬ ╬ ╬ ╬ ╬ ╬ ╬ ╬ ╬ ╬ ╬ Ⅼ ≖.≖) "IT FELT WHAT?" Rhaae lost control of his voice. His head hurt so much that he thought he was going to die from high blood pressure. "WHAT DID THAT BASTARD DO THAT MADE YOU WEAK BUT FEELS GOOD?! I RAISED YOU IN A WAY YOU COULD BEAT UP ALL THE CREEP JUST LIKE YOUR MOTHER TO A PULP!"

Radish frown. So, that's what this bastard is teaching her. No wonder his girl always had her guard up against him two centuries ago!

It is absurd to think like that! There is no way something could feel good while weakening her! He did not raise her to be so vulnerable that a fucking flirty man could do such a thing to her! He raised her to beat up men who would try to force themselves on her! Unforgivable! That piece of fucking sh*t! Rhae will undoubtedly kill him!

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