The Dragon Elopes

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[My imagination went crazy! CALE HENITUSE IS GONNA BE HIS DESCENDANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!]

Cale Barrow, No, Radish vomited for the nth time during breakfast. Her current father and mother worriedly looked at her and asked whether she had eaten something bad.

She denied having eaten something and said that she had been staying in the house since she had been nauseous for the past few days and sleepy most of the day.

Her mother stared at her in confusion before asking her, "Are you pregnant?"

She looked at her. Then to her father. She looked at her belly.


"Are you in a relationship with someone?" her father asked.

She remained silent.

"Is it the redhead man who comes once in a while?" her mother asked.

Cale swallowed a lump of saliva. She assumed she would not get pregnant because they were different races. It is especially difficult to conceive between two different races.

"I did not have any other," she replied. She believed she could live normally without attaching herself to anyone. She even planned how she would die, but a part of her refuses to do so right now. A life is growing inside her. Her and the dragon's child.

Oh no.

She should have known and suspected when her monthly visitor didn't come. She should have had herself checked when she started feeling differently.

"You should tell that man."

"He is not a man," she replied. "He is not even human."

Her parents were shocked by her revelation. She could not say what race Roksu was, but—

"I will handle it myself."

She stood up and went into her room. She was debating whether to kill the child with her or to give birth.

She previously wanted to create the perfect half-dragon. She wanted to use a dragon's heart to implant with someone and make them an imperfect dragon but she had a real half-dragon inside her.

She thought of her previous plans and continued to think about things more.

But the moment she patted her belly, she could remember how that Dragon held her gently as if she were a precious treasure. She thinks of hideous things on her child. She can't help but sat on the floor, thinking why she regret it all.

She regrets thinking of doing those things to her child.

She shouldn't waver. She should be happy for she could have the most important thing she wanted to achieve—a force to reckon with! The power that no human could wield! A power that only the almighty dragons could wield.

But, thinking about those things made her heartache.


"I am white star... I will rule the world..." She mumbled to herself, with tears in her eyes. "I am someone who will use everything at my disposal... Even if it's my blood. I..."

I can't do it.

She killed everyone in her way before. She even used her body for the ends she wanted to meet—why? Just why? Why can't she do it when it's all in her hands?

She laughs like a lunatic and screams.

It hurts... It's painful.

She did not want to hurt this child. She didn't want to use this child for her goals.

How to Train Your Human...Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora