The Dragon Needs His Beauty Rest

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When Kim Rok Soo arrived, the place was awash in gold.

Amazing! His desire to loot this place was so strong that he went and rolled over the gold that was staring at him. Absolutely incredible.

However, he comes to a halt when he sees a beautiful golden-haired man with elf ears and two golden horns.

He closed his mouth after seeing him frown while ogling over his treasures.

"Do you want them?"

He nodded adorably.

"Then grow up and make your own lair," smirks the golden dragon. He is so irritating! But he is also very attractive! He lowered his head and gazed at the treasures. He is going to loot this when he is old.

He flicks his tail. He rolled onto his back and gently stroked his tail. He does, in fact, have paws instead of hands. He also has a charming round tail. The fire burned out, but he left a distinct mark.

"Do you know what your attribute is?" the old dragon inquired.

He rolled onto his stomach and asked, "What is an attribute?"

The old dragon sighed. Of course, a newly hatched dragon has no idea what an attribute is. His desperation must have triggered his first growth phase, and he may have wished for something desperately.

Looking at him, the old dragon must be assessing him.

"I am Eruhaben, the Gold Dust Dragon. You appear to have strong mana and a sharp mind, or you will be unable to speak this time."

Kim Rok Soo is surrounded by a halo of gold dust. He floated in the direction of the golden dragon.

"I will teach you everything I know until you reach your second growth phase; I can not teach you anything about the third phase because I have not passed it yet, but you have done well surviving and protecting your sibling."

The old dragon was carrying him by his armpits and looking at him as a parent would look at his child.

"I will teach you everything I know until you know what your attribute is and how powerful you are, so live a little more comfortably while you are under my wing."

Kim Rok Soo accepted the old man's pat on the back of his head with a nod.

He remained silent and let himself be spoiled by the old dragon.

Kim Rok Soo then fell into a deep sleep, just as any dragon would during its first stage of development.



Eruhaben, the Gold Dust Dragon, laid the Crimson Dragon down. The newborn is a high-ranking crimson dragon, not just any other red dragon. He was aware that this child's attribute, like that of its black egg brother, would be out of the ordinary.

They could be ancient dragon eggs or the Dragon Lord's eggs, based on their appearance.

"At least one of them will be the new Dragon Lord," says the dragon.

He sighed, took the hanky in his hand, and began shining the black egg.

I can not possibly ignore these adorable little dragonlings, looking at how desperate they tried to survive.

He also noticed how their mana resonated with each other and protected each other.

He smiled and made the decision to close his lair for a few months. The crimson dragon would awaken later. His body was unable to contain his mana because his first growth phase was cruel and painful.

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