Chapter XLVI

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Everyone was resting for what was to come, the castle presiding in the Land of Departure showing pure silence. Ember was prepping herself to enact her plan, sneaking to the kitchen for a hearty meal, stretching, swinging her sword a few times and even practicing her powers on the small already broken objects in her room. It wasn't much, but Ember already knew what her plan was; she didn't need much training to do what she wanted. She kept her anger after all, her immense emotion should do the trick... As long as she didn't get caught.

"E-Emberlynn..." Namine gulped, hiding behind a large boulder. "I think you've scoped this place enough... We should head back."

Ember continued to peer around the edge of the rock, checking out the castle nearby. It was the first time she saw the castle from the outside, and Xehanort wasn't one for camouflage. A large and dark castle loomed over the edge of a cliff, peering at the horizon before it as if the sky itself was bowing down to its glory. From what Ember could see there were multiple stained glass windows covering multiple walls of the castle, and what wasn't glass were black brick built to keep the building steady. Several towers were placed on each corner yet no guards seemed available. Ember couldn't imagine only Xehanort presided over such a grand castle, yet no one else came to mind. Even with the bright stars twinkling in the night sky the atmosphere was still dreadfully hot, wind picking up the extra dust settling on the castles surface and slowing it in Ember's face. She winced and waved a hand in front of her face to rid of such debris. 

"Yeah, guess we've been here a while." Ember admitted quietly. "Thank you for taking me here. Let's head back."

Namine was all too eager, manifesting a portal before Ember even finished her sentence. With a gleeful smile Ember indicated Namine to go first, nodding a gesture of 'after you.' Namine only smiled and nodded back, all but running inside to the safety of the Land of Departure. Ember's smile faltered, and regretfully she turned away. 

"Forgive me, guys."

Ember glanced at their cover. A multitude of cave-like structures made of rock and debris stretched for miles, and the girls used it for the temporary shelter as they "scoped out Xehanort's castle." However, that was never part of Ember's plan. Ember never planned on simply staring at the castle from the outside and retreating. No. Ember wanted to do much more than that.

Once Ember knew Namine was away to safety, Ember placed a delicate hand on the boulder they hid behind. With a blink she crumbled it to nothing more than pieces of stone, and ensured to expand such fate to the rest nearby. One by one the stones and rock deteriorated and collapsed to the ground leaving pebbles and soot behind in its place. Ember wished she could have been more subtle or even left it behind, but it was all too easy for Namine to go back through and check in on Ember's whereabouts. With a frown Ember turned away from her destruction, knowing she had little time left to complete her next task.

With each step she took as she retreated from what was left of the shelter the cracks replicated her footprints. The rage inside her festered and became all surreal to her. She had such a journey with her friends, defeating evil and savings the world together. And now... Now her journey was coming to an end. The end result of her goals were incomplete, leading her to a feeling of despair. She sought out her friend, and sought for a way to save her world. Now that both goals were finished, there was nothing left. Nothing left for Ember to strive for. For her entire life she fought for her friends, fought for her freedom, and fought to keep herself alive... And fighting was what she planned to do until the bitter end. 

'For him.'

Ember drew closer and closer to the castle. She was aware Xehanort was likely waiting for her as there was little chance he didn't notice the crumbling rock mere minutes ago. She had to rush to the castle and get as close as possible to begin step two of her plan before he arrived. He was a very intelligent mastermind, and Ember knew he had his own plan to counter her and the others. Ember had to be quick, and with such a thought occupying her mind she began running.

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