Chapter XLI

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Riku was quick to put a hand on grieving Sora's shoulder, but it was shrugged off immediately. In a zombie like trance Sora slowly walked towards the wooden swords and collapsed before them, knees first until he was able to sit on his legs. Ember and Sora joined him soon after, with Sora right in the middle of the trio.

Ember turned a worried glance to Sora. His stare was as intense as ever, eyes cold as ice. She could have sworn their shade of blue changed to match his mood.

"Sora... I..."

"Well, you finally get to meet Kairi." Sora's words were almost bitter as he said them, but Ember knew that anger wasn't towards her. "We grew up on our island together, and we were at the battle with Ansem together. We started and ended the journey... Together."

Ember reached out to place a hand on his thigh for comfort. Sora didn't swat her away, but she felt his muscles tense at her touch. Nonetheless she kept her hand there in the hope he would understand she was there to help.

"I'm sorry I lied to you, Ember." Sora continued. "Kairi didn't push me out of the way from a Heartless when I lost my heart. Riku said he told you the truth."

Riku seemed taken back. "Sora -"

"The reality is..." Sora ignored Riku's subtle protests and lifted his gaze away from the grave. To Ember's dismay they were filled with tears in which he allowed to drop down his cheeks. "She's the one who pushed me out of the way. She lost her life while we were trying to shut the door... Ansem had one last attack in him and Kairi noticed at the last second. She chose my life over hers."

Ember bit her bottom lip. Her eyes darted to Riku, where even he was on the verge of tears. Ember's grip on Sora's thigh tightened as remorse filled her soul. To lose a loved one when you thought everything was over... Ember couldn't imagine how Sora and Riku were feeling. If her heart could break anymore it would have shattered. With quick action Ember shifted her body to be in front of the two men and she draped her arms over their shoulders. Forcibly she pulled them close together so they were huddled. This was the best way she could comfort them both.

"I'm sorry this happened and you were put through it." Ember whispered. "I'm also sorry for stumbling on this place and forcing bad memories."

Sora didn't budge to even wipe his tears. He did his best to muffle his cries by choking them down, but regardless of his efforts they were imminent. Riku attempted to stay strong, but even he couldn't prevent a tear slipping. Ember watched it drip to the ground.

"I love you guys." Ember continued. "I'm so glad you put in those efforts to save the worlds. Thank you."

Those words finally broke Riku. He ended up in the same state as Sora and they both sobbed together. Ember fell silent and allowed them all the time they needed to mourn. She slowly and gently pulled her arms away to give them space and together the boys filled the gap themselves. They cried and comforted one another and Ember slowly backed away to give them the space they needed.

She approached Vanitas, wiping away a tear of her own. He sat criss-crossed on the ground, an elbow propped on his knee and his chin resting on the palm of his hand. Noticing Ember's presence didn't get him to move from his position, but instead he used his free hand to pat the empty space beside him. Ember took it as an invitation and plopped herself down, propping one leg up and the other straight. She leaned forward and her eyes met with Vanitas's.

"I'm about to destroy this place." She grumbled.

Vanitas chuckled with sarcastic-like amusement, as his laugh was more of a smirk. "Yeah we already noticed you annihilated one of the areas when we searched for you."

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