Chapter XXVIII

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A chorus of cheers and celebration filled the room and almost deafened anyone inside. The overwhelming joy presided in everyone's hearts upon Ember's return as she gleamed at them. She was just as excited as they were and eager to see their smiling faces once more. Ember chatted with everyone she could, greeting her saviors one by one with plenty of hugs.

The group had not informed Eraqus of Ember's return yet. They weren't sure if they wanted to as they were enjoying her presence. Ember was bouncing on the tips of her toes with a smile plastered on her face.

"Guys losing your heart is whack!" She exclaimed with her arms extended out. "I literally just fell into some endless abyss for ages."

Sora scratched the back of his head sheepishly. "Yeah it's weird isn't it?"

"Oh! I had a Nobody! How was she? I bet she wasn't as fun as me." Ember jabbed her thumb to her chest as she eagerly spoke, but the sudden change in demeanor made her smile slowly fade. "Uh... What?"

Axel coughed awkwardly. "Well your Nobody she uh... She did have cool powers, but you know she can't be here... With you right?"

Ember was confused. She tilted her head slightly to the side. "Sora and Roxas coexist."

Roxas nudged his friend roughly, signaling for Axel to stop talking. "Em your Nobody wasn't willing to find a way to coexist with you. She like...."

"She had no will to live." Vanitas spat out the words bluntly, shooting Roxas and Axel and annoyed stare. "Her feelings reflect your own. We had to save her from the Organization and she was more than willing to sacrifice herself so you could come back."

Ember was stunned. She stood there dazed for a moment as she considered their words. Ember didn't want to die but she also wouldn't hesitate to sacrifice herself if needed; her actions saving Ventus that began the whole situation showed proof of that. She decided to ignore her concerns, pointing a finger to Vanitas who seemed the most displeased with her hiding feelings.

"We can talk about more! But first I need a celebratory drink and more information about my Nobody!"

Vanitas smirked. "Yeah you wanna drink again?"

"We are not drinking!" Riku protested the idea. "Ember just came back to us. There's a lot to catch her up on, including the world we're currently in, who we're staying with, her Nobody -"

"And we can talk about that over drinks!" Ember exclaimed. She jumped into the air like a child on Christmas, so eager and excited.

Every personality in the room showed different reactions to Ember's enthusiasm. Riku attempted to argue with her some more but Axel got in the way to instigate even more. The room erupted with more laughter until the grand doors burst opened so loudly the group immediately fell eerily silent. Eraqus, Yen Sid, Aqua and Terra all walked inside with purpose in their step. The friends loud laughter was likely heard from rooms away.

"Welcome back, Ember." Eraqus greeted with a slow nod of his head.

The entire room filed into a single line, singling Ember out front and center. She ineptly looked at the men behind her who filed in line like soldiers and whispered to the closest one;

"What the fuck is going on?"

Ventus put a finger to his lips, signaling her to hush. "That's Master Eraqus."

Eraqus loudly cleared his throat to gather attention. "I know you must be confused but I assure you all will be answered. I assume this group of young aspiring men will update you, but for now I wanted to welcome you to the Land of Departure. This will be your new place to rest and conspire against Xehanort and the Organization."

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