Chapter XV

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Ember stiffened in pain as she landed on her back right where her wound was. She tensed up and forced herself into a sitting position, quickly taking in her surroundings.

She noticed a grand gold and white castle held together by chains, it seemed as if it was drifting apart if not for the chairs holding it together. The building seemed crooked, almost arched. It reminded her of a church of sorts by the way it was designed. She sat on a circular platform, one that almost reminded her of the one back at Hollow Bastion.

Axels groans brought back her attention as he fell from his own portal. He landed roughly on his stomach, moaning as he went to push himself up. However Ember cried out his name as Lexaeus knelt down and with a clenched fist punched Axels head, inevitably knocking him unconscious.

Ember felt the anger swell in her. The pain from her back vanished as she straightened herself out and turned towards the female who was slowly stepping towards her with long strides.

"Fucking bi-" Ember's insults were cut short when Lexaeus grabbed a fistful of her hair, forcing her head to lift up and look at the woman.

With a short giggle she finally brought down her hood to reveal her face.

Ember stared in dismay.

"Elrena?!" She shouted, straining to reach her as the muscular member's grip on her hair tightened. "Elrena!"

Elrena held a finger to her lips, a smirk plastered on her face. "Actually after joining the Organization I was given a new name. You may refer to me as Larxene now."

Ember scoffed. "Absolutely not."

Larxene clicked her tongue. "Awe a shame. I really like the name."

"What's your problem anyway?!" Ember snapped. "I've been looking for you! Looking for answers! You have no idea what I've done to find you."

Larxene crossed her arms, allowing her body weight to lean against one leg as her hip stuck out. "Listen Ember, if you wanted to find me so bad you should have joined the Organization with me. Too bad you were too much of a pussy."

Ember squeezed her eyes shut from Lexaues' grip. "Excuse me for having common sense than to follow a pedo in a back alley to his pedo castle with his pedo friends!" She spat her words harshly, the anger within her chest rising quickly.

Larxene's emerald eyes darted around as if searching for someone before she slowly approached Ember. She knelt down on one knee and used a hand to caress Ember's cheek with a knife hidden between her fingers.

"I'll come find you again in a few days." Larxene whispered, putting pressure on Ember's cheek as the tip of the knife began to draw blood. "If you don't change your mind by then, I might have to kill you. That would be a shame."

Ember panted as Larxene finished the cut, standing up and turning her back to her friend.

Ember felt the blood drip down her cheek. Not only did Larxene betray her, but she hurt her. She hurt Axel, she probably killed plenty of people, and she purposely left a mark on Ember as if claiming territory. Her anger finally reached its peak. If Elrena wanted to be a bitch, then so be it.

Ember had enough.

With a roar she grabbed the handle of her weapon, pressing a button to separate the two parts. Lexaeus couldn't react in time to Ember's alacrity. With one arm she sliced upwards, the sharp end of the blade slicing off the chunk of the hair that was grasped by Lexaeus. He staggered back with surprise at her actions as Ember spun to face him, using the other blade to extend forward to him. Lexaeus stiffened, the blade promptly slicing his neck in one clean sweep.

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