Chapter V

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With quick precision Ember swung her blade while keeping her eyes forward. A Heartless had crept towards her and attempted an attack, but Ember effortlessly flung the creature into a nearby wall as she walked cheerfully. Roxas let out an amused chuckle as Ember brushed off the attack and continued her conversation with him;

"So you're a traitor to the Organization but you're not gonna betray me right? Cuz that would be whack."

"Of course not. We got you out of that castle why would we betray you now?" Roxas looked at her with a puzzled look, the grip on his Keyblade tightening.

"I dunno maybe that's the new plan? Like you gain my trust and turn me in?"

"Then we would have kept you in the cage. Em you're starting to sound like Axel with his nonsense."

"Axel is nonsense. I make sense."

A few days passed since the traitors had began saying with Ember in her safe haven. Her birthday was the next day, an event she kept to herself. Instead she continued to do her job for the Hollow Bastion Restoration committee; dragging the ex-Organization members around the world with her and defeat Heartless. When Ember gave Leon news of the situation he was hesitant, but for some reason trusted her vouch for them.

Today Axel was being lazy and was sleeping in as Ember and Roxas ventured out. Ember wanted to explore a bit more and Roxas wanted to stick close by considering the area she was dying to explore; beyond the mosaic. Once arriving to the platform Roxas grimaced at the dried blood that had stained the beautiful work while Ember smirked to herself.

"Wonder how the pirate is coping." Ember questioned as she nonchalantly stepped over the blood she caused to spill.

Roxas wearily made his way around it, staring even as he was walking away. "We'll have to gift him a hook or something if you wanna call him a pirate."

They continued onward. "You can still like teleport right? We should leave a hook on his bed or something." Ember giggled at herself as she skipped along.

Roxas couldn't prevent a snicker, his tension finally beginning to relax with Ember's humor. "You're actually awful."

"You're just jealous of my wonderful ideas."

Ember continued to tease Roxas as they ventured down the narrow cliff path. She felt like they have been walking for a long while, just casually following the cliffs and smacking around Heartless as needed. Her job was to dwindle the enemies numbers but she also wanted to explore the world considering she's never been outside of her own. Ember didn't know Hollow Bastions story, but seeing everything in ruins made her heart ache. She could only wonder how many people have suffered at the hands of the Heartless.

The pair turned a corner leading to a cave like structure. Ember beamed with excitement and began running towards it and leaving Roxas to stumble and catch up. She ran through the pathway inside a cave and found herself careening straight towards a cliff. She skidded to a halt as soon as she noticed the cliff before she cautiously walked towards the edge, realizing just how close she was to that strange castle she recognized from watching the sunset at the Bailey.

With wide and inquisitive eyes she reached the edge and stared. This was as close to the castle as she would probably get, considering the ledge seemed hundreds of feet downwards.

Before long Roxas had finally caught up, standing beside her and mimicking the look on her face. "What a sight huh?" He asked. He turned his head just enough to see her.

The corner of her lips stretched into a small smile as she nodded in agreement. "It looks a lot different from here than it does back at the house. Do you know what it's all about? Like does someone live there?"

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