Chapter XXX

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Ember trained for hours and even exhausted the boys. She was driven to master her powers as best as she can as she understood just how destructive it was. Eventually her training came to an end and they returned to the Land of Departure where it was in the middle of the day. Their absence didn't seem to faze anyone as venturing around the world they noticed the others residing on the world never approached to lecture them to ask for their whereabouts. Ember recalled Eraqus telling them to take time to rest, and assumed he allowed them free rein over their own locations.

Ember took a nap when she returned, encouraged to choose another room as hers was shattered. By the time she woke up, there was a knock at her door. Groggily Ember rubbed her eye and sat up, verbally calling for the person to come in as she wasn't ready to leave bed yet. Axel and Roxas peered inside, both poking their heads in before fully entering.

Ember stretched her arms high above her head and took a look out the window. "Yikes I slept all day huh?"

A generous amount of orange pooled into her room as she drew back the curtains only an inch. The sun was beginning to set, but the colors were still vibrant enough to cause light to spill inside.

"I mean you can sleep longer." Roxas looked up at Axel. "But we were wondering if you wanted to watch the sunset with us?"

Axel eagerly nodded his agreement. "The training area where you got drunk as fuck is a great place to watch!"

Ember giggled and swung her feet over the side of the bed. "Is that why you called it the sunset spot?"

"Yep! So come on!" Roxas held a hand out to her.

Ember took his offer graciously and allowed him to assist her off the bed. His smile was bright and warm, one that made her feel safe. Despite all the possible outcomes her powers could have not one of the boys were scared of her. Roxas held her hand the entire trip to the hill top and showed no signs of fear or anxiety being around her. His actions filled her heart with joy and she sat next to him once they arrived to their destination. Axel sat on the other side of her with a leg propped up and the other swinging off the ledge. Ember had both legs swinging as she leaned backwards, using her arms to hold herself up. Roxas was hunched forward with his arms resting on his legs. The trio stared into the sunset that was falling beyond more hilltops, one out of reach from them.

Ember let out a deep but relaxed sigh, tilting her head to the side. Her eyes rested on the multitude of colors splattering the sky. "How long do you think Eraqus is gonna give us before we hash out another plan?"

Ember knew the Organization still needed to be dealt with, along with Xehanort. Considering she just returned she was grateful for a break but the unspoken truth was they would be needing to fight again soon.

"Maybe another day or two." Axel sounded uncertain, his voice almost hesitant. "We should probably tell him about your power soon. It could come in handy."

Ember made a disgusted face. "Between us he kinda seems like he would work me to death."

Roxas began chuckling to himself. "From what I do know of him, I'm sure he would. But you're no different! You just trained for hours with your own free will."

"That was nothing." She protested. "My world was way worse when it came to training."

The boys exchanged worried glances to one another, almost quick enough that Ember missed it.

"Oh guys don't be like that. It's not a big deal. That just means I'm-"

She stopped her own sentence after hearing a familiar sound from behind. The sound of a whoosh made her turn to peek over her shoulder. As her eyes landed on the intruder she grimaced and turned her back, waving a dismissive hand as if the individual was just a minor inconvenience. When Axel and Roxas noticed her attitude and followed her eyes, they both immediately grew hostile and summoned their weapons, standing up and preparing themselves into a fighting stance.

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