Chapter XIII

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Six days had passed since Ember's shenanigans. The group spent their time getting rid of Heartless and helping the Restoration Committee as much as possible. Sora was doing his best to commit to a plan to stop the Organization, but he couldn't come up with something he was pleased with. He took everything into account, timing, safety, energy, and everything else. Yet everything he debunked as most of the scenarios he could think of ended with someone getting into danger. He didn't want to risk it.

Despite Ember's taunts the group was never approached by any Organization members. Ember could only assume that they either had no idea where her and the boys were, or they were planning something big. When out and about Ember was always on edge, constantly looking over her shoulder or ensuring that everyone travelled in pairs. She was slowly beginning to regret her decision as she knew she wasn't cut out to fight any Organization member without help. After all, she didn't possess powers like everyone else.

Ember picked up a glass potion bottle filled with the mysterious healing liquid and held it up to her face. She should stock up on them while things were peaceful, as she had a feeling a storm was coming soon. She gathered basic supplies for the household in the market, filling her basket with any necessities she may need.

Sora was gathering food for the next few days as they had a lot of mouths to feed now. As Ember had placed the bottle in a basket to purchase later, Sora approached her with two brown paper bags in hand with a huge grin on his face. She was compelled to smile back, his being so contagious.

"I think I got what I needed." Sora looked down at his bags. "I even bought a little extra, I didn't realize how much Axel could eat."

Ember giggled and began to make her way to the check out counter. "He's so skinny though."

"Yeah and tall!"

Ember began paying for her things, peeking to Sora over her shoulder. "So what do you think you're gonna make for dinner?"

As Ember finished checking out Sora seemed pleased with himself. He rolled on his foot from heel to toe as if he couldn't contain himself. "Sweet bread Poêle! It's something I've made before while I've been out and about and I wanna try it again."

Ember turned and began to walk from the marketplace, Sora joining her at her side. "I'm sure it'll be delicious."

Out of the corner of her eye Ember noticed Sora's expression turning grim after the conversation paused. His lips were pursed together as if he had something to say but wouldn't. Their hands were full, yet Ember made an effort to gain his attention by gently nudging him with her elbow.

"Spit it out." She did her best to make her tone sound playful, but she was genuinely concerned by his reaction.

Sora seemed bashful as he almost ducked his head behind the bags. Ember saw his face grew ever so slightly red. "Are you uh... Happy here?"

Ember twitched at his question. "Where did that come from?"

"Lately you seem I dunno... Sad. You're usually so sarcastic and playful with everyone but this last week I feel like you've been off. Are you okay?"

Ember stared for a moment. He picked up on her personality quickly and immediately recognized something was wrong. She indeed had plenty on her mind and she was in a state of conflict. Her concerns ranged from Elrena, to the Organization, to returning to her own world and even to the point of her eagerness to learn more about the group she's been with. She was worried about Saïx coming for revenge, she was worried about Xigbar returning as well, and most of all... If the time came, she was worried she wouldn't be able to protect her friends or even find Elrena to begin with.

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