Chapter XLII

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Ember bit her bottom lip. She had a very important role to play in this plan, and her heart pounded nervously against her chest at the weight that was resting on her shoulders. She was unsure if she could handle such a feat, and yet she was determined to handle it regardless. She was the only one who could do it, after all.

Eraqus's words played in her mind;

"Emberlynn. You've inherited such destructive power. Normally I'd be against such abuse, but at a time like this I want to encourage its use. Once you reach the top of the castle I want you to shatter the entire fortress. You will be paired with someone who can manifest a corridor of darkness for your safety."

Her silver eyes gazed with apprehension at the towering castle before her. It was the first time she saw the castle from the outside, a building that certainly seemed bigger on the inside. Even with her being paired with Axel who could manifest portals, they were sneaking in the old fashioned way in order to stay hidden. The plan was simple; the others would raid the castle as a distraction, luring out the lingering Organization members into the open. While the battles were happening, Axel and Ember were to sneak to the castle's highest point which was Xemnas's tower he used to praise his artificial Kingdom Hearts.

The plan got more complicated for the others, but for Ember she were to simply follow Axels lead. He was the one who knew the castle inside and out after all.

"I hope the others are okay..." Ember said with a sigh. The air was still and quiet, nothing to disturb the peace around them except for Ember's concerns.

Axel ensured to wave a dismissive hand. He stood against a wall with arms crossed as his eyes were fixated on the castle. "You know them, they'll be fine. It shouldn't be long before we can start. Just gotta wait for..."

Axel squinted his eyes, attempting to get a better look at the castle. A specific signal was required for them to continue, and alas it had not occurred yet. With a dejected sigh he slumped back to the wall with a hunched back. Ember knew even Axel himself was getting impatient.

"What if they ran into trouble?" Ember asked.

"That's the whole point of them being in there."

"Axel you know exactly what I mean."

Axel sighed again, but was compelled to put on a smirk. "They're fine. It's hard to sit and wait I know, but the most we can do is put our trust in them."

Ember looked back to the castle. She was eager to go inside and destroy it. She wanted to avoid any personal feelings if she were to accidentally run into Larxene or Luxord as she was unsure if she could handle their presence. She had come to terms with knowing their last interaction would likely be at the Land of Departure when Larxene gave her the information about Barren Light. Ember remembered how almost genuine Larxene seemed, and she hated every bit of it.

'Goodbye old friend. Maybe someday I'll accidentally kill your Heartless and you'll become human again.. or something.'

Ember reached up to place the palm of her hand on her heart. Her life certainly didn't turn out the way she expected. Getting kidnapped, meeting her friends, going on adventures, learning about the Heartless, her best friend becoming her enemy, and even her mentor betraying her. As Ember reflected back on everything that had happened she could hardly believe it. She certainly wasn't expecting any of this to happen. Yet...

Ember looked at Axel and a soft smile curled on her lips. She was certainly glad it all did happen, even through all the hardships she had to endure in the meantime.


Axels sudden yelp snapped Ember back to reality and she looked up. Vanitas or Riku were ordered to use the darkness to create an obvious signal; whoever it was chose to make a simple circle towards the top of the castle, one so obvious Axel was quick to notice. He manifested a portal before turning to Ember.

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