Chapter XI

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Ember's eyes fluttered open as she adjusted to the bright light emerging from the window in her room. The rays of the sun pooled in and flashed her right in the face, causing her to wince and hold up an arm to shield herself from the sun as she sat up. As Ember stirred away and adjusted she alerted the single individual she found laying beside her:


Sora squinted his eyes as he also adjusted to the light pooling into the room. When his eyes focused and the two made eye contact they both squealed with surprise and jolted upwards as Ember clenched the blanket and Sora simply jumped out of bed. He stood at the side of the bed and turned his head to the side as he eyed her suspiciously.

"I didn't mean-!" He cut himself off, clearing his throat. "I just fell asleep I guess. I'm sorry!"

Ember burst into laughter. Her surprise subsided and turned into amusement. She knew Sora had such a pure heart and he would never have corrupt intentions. His reaction showed that, and Ember couldn't prevent herself from laughing.

"You just scared me! I didn't expect anyone to be in bed with me."

Sora's face turned beat red. He lifted an arm and scratched the back of his head as his sheepish laugh was heard. His eyes darted to look at his feet as he couldn't bring himself to make eye contact with her.

"Well I'm glad you're awake. How are you feeling?"

Sora's words were almost murmers, causing Ember to lean towards him. "I feel just fine. I need to thank Yen Sid!"

"Actually while you were sleeping we had a meeting and then he went back to his world. But I'm sure he knows you're grateful."

Ember glowered. She heard his name once when she was in and out of consciousness. There was a lot going on after she had decided to recklessly throw herself from the window, but she remembered a stranger using magic on her. She only assumed it a man named Yen Sid as she heard his name several times during the interaction. However that's all she could muster inside her head of what happened, as the only other time she heard about him was when Ventus was explaining his story.

"Well... I'll extend my thanks next time I see him."

Sora paused for a moment, his eyes drifting to Ember's lap. His mind seemed suddenly occupied with other thoughts and he was distracted. Ember tilted her head in confusion to his sudden aura and watched as he decided to crawl onto the bed and sit on his legs. He reached over and collected Embers hands within his own as he held them up, his eyes finally lifting up and looking to her.

Ember felt her face grow hot from his stare and actions. "Um hi?" She said awkwardly.

"Tell me... How are you?"

Ember blinked at his suddenly question. "I think I told you I was feeling bett-"

Sora suddenly grew sincere as his usual chipper demeanor turned. "I mean... How are you?"

Ember was taken back, his grip strengthened around her hands. His sudden questioning and personality change helped her understand what he meant now. He wasn't asking about her physical feelings, he was asking about her mental feelings. With all she's been through and had to deal with, Sora was checking in.

Ember allowed a smile to curl on her lips. "Sora, I am doing okay. Promise."

Much to her surprise Sora's eyes gentled back to his normal and he suddenly threw himself forward, his arms wrapping around her as he showed his relief. Ember giggled and hugged him back and she felt his hand stroke the back of her head. The two embraced for a few moments before Sora retreated back to his sitting position.

Fractured Twilight {KH Fanfic/Boy Of Choice}Where stories live. Discover now