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"no" virat's voice echoed as he stepped out the room slamming the door behind him. "rohit is nobody to us anymore , he said that himself, let's respect his choice." at that shreyas looked at Vi and scoffed " what kind of friend are you. who does this, it is shitty and disgusting " kullya also came forward " you are pathetic , you want us to leave him after all this." mahi sighed in the corner, "its just a fever... it'll pass" the team looked at him eyes widened, mahi out of all members saying this was truly shocking, " bhai yeh kya bol rahe ho, aap aise nhi ho" sijju said which was just above a whisper , he wasn't too close to mahi bhai, but he knew that he deeply cares for all the members, " bhai-" rahul began but was interrupted by dravid sir. " ENOUGH" he yelled " i want all of you to head home, we will see each other in the upcoming IPL. it's best if y'all start practicing." his voice was stern and loud, which was uncharacteristic , he was mostly soft to them at rarely yelled at them....with this seriousness. " but... what about Ro i am not leaving him al-" harry was interrupted " you heard him didn't you" sachin spoke. his voice was now like a captain he was, leaving no room for arguement. the others had no choice but leave... frowns on everyones face. 

 everyone left the waiting area except shikhar, jinks, sachin,mahi and dravid sir. " bon't worry bhai shikhar and i will handle rohit, we'll try our best to convince him to not...." he trailed off not wanting to complete the sentence. everyone present in the room knew how important cricket was to rohit and it was not lie rohit to make such a huge decision only because they had a fight. there was an eery silence between them, all of them recalling what happened just a while ago.  "i'll go talk to the doctor as to when he can be discharged." dravid sir said as he got up , breaking the silence. "ummm yeah i guess i'll go get ritika, it seems to me you haven't informed her" sachin said next as he to got up . " then we'll go check on rohit" jinks said as he and shikhar glanced at each other. " i think i should go see if the kids have left yet, i aslo need to see if shubhi is doing alright now" mahi declared walking of without batting an eye at them  " he seems strange dosen't he?" shikhar asked jinks as they entered rohit's room, jinks just shurged it of not wanting to answer, there was a lot on his mind as it is.

mahi came out and spotted the team in an instant, they were all standing in a circle near the door of the car which was open he could see ishu stroking shubhi's hair as he leaned on his shoulder asleep. it seemed like they were discussing about something with grave looks on their faces, " why haven't yall left yet?" he questioned as he aproched them , they where startled and looked at him wide eyed, then slowly gained their composure and laughed awkwardly . " they were just checking upon shubhi, but he seems to have fallen asleep" ishu spoke after a moment scratching his neck. the others just nodded and rah spoke up " yeah i'll stay at  shrey's house as the flight to Banglore is not before two days " rahul stated awkwardly. and they chuckled a little at his stiff posture and awkward face. Mahi raised a eyebrow suspicious at first but shrugged and let it go " ill head home now" he declared and left from there. 

all the others sighed in relief, " oof, that was close, by the way bhai why don't you tell this to mahi bhai?, he might help hena?" sky asked once they saw mahi drive away. " because he will become paranoid and will panic, that is the least we need. and i know he will take too much stress, its bout his little bro after all.  they all hummed in unision. well we are supposed to tell this to jinks and shikhs" jaddu who had his head low the entire time spoke up. 

"tell us what?" shikhar said as he and jinks walked out and were standing in front of them, "well...... we think something is up, all of us know that Ro bhai being mature would never take such a decision so hastily, its uncharacteristic." kullya mentioned. " yeah and we need to find out what is it that is bothering him, we turned a blind eye towards him and his problems till now but not anymore... i need to find out what is wrong" virat spoke his voice loud and clear and his eyes determined. 

"how do we figure out the problem, ro bhai would never tell us" ishu questioned, " we'll think about that but first lets go to our farm house , we will figure it out there, plus i don't think shubhi is in any condition to wander around at nights" Vi wisely said and they all agreed.  they had to find the root of the problem he  won't let his best friend get hurt, he will protect him from whatever harm that is coming their way. 


soooo, finaly the team understood that something was wrong, but why did mahi bhai act out of character? why do you think drravid sir told them to leave when he knew they were worried? what do you think is the reason behind all this?  do share your opinion !!!

until next time bye bye !!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21 ⏰

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