13- Partition

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"ISHU" shubhi yelled at the top of his lungs and dived into the water.

Just as he went in he saw his Ishu , his eyes were closed while his body was tangled up with the net. His arms had started to bleed because of the nylon string of the net. Shubhi with all his might tried to get Ishu to the surface but something kept pulling them down, he was out of breath and hence came back to the water level and again went back in.

Rohit was the first to notice and understand the situation and he too went underwater to help his kiddo. Virat followed him and jaddu did the same. Jassi was about to dive but Sachin held his arm and said " they will manage bacha, you go with Harry and call a doctor." Jassi nodded and ran off with Harry.

Meanwhile in the pool shubhi just tried to remove ishan from the net with the help of Virat and jaddu. Rohit on the other hand knew that it would take time and that will be dangerous for all of them.  So he scanned the area trying to find what restricted them to pull Ishu out.
He then saw the net stuck in the drainage area. He swimed towards this and removed the net. The others were too focused to notice this except for Jadeja who tapped Virat's shoulder signalling him to pull Ishu up.

They all pulled him up till the surface and outside the pool. Shubhi held his best friend close to him . Ishans head was pressed against shubhis chest while he was panicking.

"Ishu .... Ish.....ishu.... please be alright .... please open your eyes.......I. ..... Please.....I .... can't.......live..... without you please....." He said between a chocked voice. While rocking ishans body .

"Bacha wait don't do that let me help ----" rohit was interrupted by a very angry shubhman fumming with rage.

"DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH HIM" he yelled. The others tried to calm him down but no avail. Finally rohit had enough.he pushed shubhi aside and went to ishans unconscious body. He made him lay flat on the ground and started giving him CPR. Shubhi tried to push him away but jaddu held him back. After a minute or two ishan finally coughed out the water .
He slowly opened his eyes to see his bro.

"Ro bhaiya " he managed to whisper before everything went black.

Harry had arrived with the doctor and a limping jassi.

The doctor checked ishans pulse and nodded. He then told one of them to take him to his room and that he would check him there.

Shubhi had voulenteried but mahi had nodded in a no. He knew that shubhi was shaken by all of this and that he needed to rest.

In the end rohit was the one to carry ishan to his bedroom. He placed him on the bed and moved out giving the doctor time to check on his bachaa.

Meanwhile the others were all in mahi and jaddus room. Surya had arrived from Mumbai a little while ago. He hadn't come with them as his mother wanted him to stay with her for a few days more.

Siraj was by his side and told him everything that happened in the past 2 days.

Now all of them were waiting for rohit to come.shubhi was sitting on the bed with his head on mahi's shoulder. He was still sniffing as the  scene of his best friend drowning was still vivid in his mind. Virat saw this with hurt in his eyes. He couldn't see his shubhi in such state and was cursing at rohit for what he had done

Rohit entered the room and was caught off-guard when virat ran towards him and pushed him towards the wall while holding his collar. He looked up at him with pure rage in his eyes.

"You idiot, you are the reason my kiddo is suffering so much " Virat yelled while pointing at shubhi.

"Vi you know it wasn't on purpose ok, I care a lot about Ishu and not even in my worst nightmare would I even think of hurting him" rohit stated calmly

"IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT SHARMA!"  Virat yelled, rage in his eyes and venom in his voice.

"STOP FUCKING BLAMING ME FOR EVERYTHING " rohit yelled with the same volume

"Calm down both of you stop fighting" Rahul sir jumped in the fight making both of them sit on two opposite ends of the room.

" you shouldn't have been so competitive, itna hi shock tha jeetne ka toh finals mein acha karke Jeet lete naa" taunted Harry.

"Seriously Harry you blame him for this too, don't you have anything else to do" jassi said in rage.

"But he isn't wrong. You should have played carefully rohit. It's your fault" Rahul said backing Harry

" rah bhai I really feel like we shouldn't blame him. He helped us save Ishu, if not for him..." Siraj said trying to defend rohit.

"But he was the one who got ishu in this situation " kuldeep argued

"But it wasn't on purpose" shreyas said.

"He should have been more careful knowing that the game was just for fun" stated jaddu

"But as far as I have heard he did help Ishu" sky said remembering what siraj had told him

"Stop everyone, don't point fingers at eachother and talk sensibly. I am sure you can overcome this. I will leave so that you guys talk to eachother. I'll go check on ishan " Rahul Dravid sir stood up and left knowing well that these brothers would figure out a way

There was a pin drop silence in the room before shubhi composed himself and started

"Well if it is like this ....... " Shubhi said while standing up 
"Then choose guys...... " Shubhi said and walking towards where Virat was sitting.

"Choose..... rohit Bhai or Virat Bhai" he said Coldly

Jassi was the first to move.... towards rohit he went. He glanced back at his bff Harry only to see him standing in the opposite direction. With Virat.

Next was kullya who walked towards Virat. He wanted his best friend shreyas to do the same but instead shreyas walked opposite to him. To rohit.

Jaddu looked at his best friend sky with a disappointed look as both of them walked out of the center at the same time but different directions.

Jaddu with Virat and sky with rohit.

Now was siraj's turn. He slowly turned towards rohit looking back at his favourite Bhai, his Rahul Bhai. He wanted him to come with him but he didn't. Instead of that kl just walked silently towards Virat.

Now only two people were left in the centre. Both looking at eachother with such intensity as if they were having a mental fight.

Mahi was mad at rohit but he didn't have the heart to choose between his cheeku and his ro. Even after all this mess he still had a little space for ro in his heart. But he already knew that things would end this way so he had made his decision

"Bachaa do you really want this?" Asked Sachin looking up at his kiddo, his favourite kiddo.

"I have no choice Bhai" said mahi as he slowly walked towards Virat.

"Then it is it " Sachin said and walked towards rohit.

The team has divided

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