9- feelings

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Days went by and the team had come to the conclusion that Rohit is no longer anything more than their team captain. No one would pass mean comment at him now which rohit was grateful for but they also couldn't help but talk formally with him. There was only one person who talked normally with rohit and that was jassi.

At first he thought jassi was mocking him when he came and talked to him after that incident but as time passed he realised that jassi was genuinely concerned about him.

At first jassi tried to look after him asking him if he still had panic attacks and tried to persuade him to talk about how he felt. But rohit was one stubborn kid. He always used to either brush off that topic diverting it or used to skillfully lie to jassi saying it was only for a day and that he is fine .

Jassi eventually lost hope as he knew that rohit had made wall around his heart , restricting everyone to have a peep inside it.

Jassi had felt hopeless as no body could help rohit not even mahi Bhai. They all hated rohit for whatever he said, jassi too didn't feel comfortable in his ro bhai's presence anymore because of what he had said. But jassi knew that his ro bhai would have had some reasons of his own.

After days of cold shoulders and formal treatment. They all parted ways going back home as there was still a good one month gap before the T20 world cup starts.

Each and every member had gone home and completely broke down into sobs. Everyone of them.specially Virat and rohit.

With Virat

Anushka had come back home after a late night shoot to see Virat looking at a picture of him holding the world cup with his team. She had also seen Virat, crying miserably when he looked at the next picture. He was on Rohit's back with a plaster around his leg while rohit had a few bandages on his head.

This was the picture taken by a doctor who the other two had threatened to kill if they told anyone they were sneaking out of the hospital to have icecream .

Both of them had gotten into an accident when Virat had put a bet on whose bike was faster . Rohit was just as stubborn and even if mahi Bhai told them not to do it, they did anyway and ended up crashing their bikes on each other's .

Virat cried a little more remembering the harsh words his friend had said to him.

"He said .......I......I....I wasn't a capable captain nush!... He said I........ was terrible in.......in making decisions, and...... he is right. We never won an odi series under me. Hell.....I... I didn't..... Didn't.....even help RCB . " Virat said between sobs .

Anushka just say beside him and gave him a tight hug. She knew one thing that would make him calm down so she made him get up and sit next to the sleeping figure of vami.

"You know that she is proud of you right?, you know that your mother and your siblings are also very proud of your success. They happily boast about being your family because they're proud of you" Anushka said while keeping a hand on his hand and slightly squeezing it while continuing.

"Your dad is watching you from up there vi... He has seen your hardwork and dedication to the game. And he is really proud of you" Anushka said wiping his tears, and hugged him tight.

"And lastly me vi.. I love you and I have faith in you... I am proud of you and will always be vi "

"But rohit..." Virat trailed of as he was interrupted by Anushka.

"Vi.... Rohit is rohit he has his problems and you have yours it's ok if one takes it out on others . In fact we take out our stress on people we love."

"No nush...... I....I.....  Am .. the bad one.....I .....I...." Virat couldn't take it anymore as he started crying while hugging nush . Eventually his tears dried as he drifted into a deep slumber.

Nush sighed as she remembered how hard it was for Virat to forget what rohit had said. Talking about his captaincy days wasn't something easy for him. 

And hearing those words from his best friend had just hurt him even more.

But she couldn't help but wonder why her Sharma brother said such harsh words to vi..

She decided to call him tomorrow morning and ask.

With Rohit
One night ritika had woken up to Rohit's sobs. He was gasping for air and mumbling something while he was completely zoned out . Ritika tried shaking him and making him focus on his breathing, but no avail . So she did what she had to .

She woke Sammy up

"Mumma I'm  sleepyyyy " she whined rubbing her eyes
"I know but do you know your dada has been crying whole night" ritika said while holding her baby hands in hers. Listening to that Sammy looked up at her mother

"Did dada get a boo" she asked inocently. Looking at those pure eyes full of concern for her dad made ritika feel emotional. She silently wiped a year threatening to fall from the corner of her eye and picked her daughter and went outside to the balcony

Just as Sammy saw the crying figure of her cheerful dada she started crying. Listening to her sobs rohit finally got a hold of himself and looked up.

"Dada .... Why you..... crying " she said in her baby voice between sobs.

"Nothing my angle just a small boo" rohit said wiping his tears and then hers.

"Where did you get a boo dada?" Sammy asked keeping a hand on his cheek as if she was wiping tears which were still streaming down his face.

"Right Here" rohit said in a low sad tone while touching his heart. Ritika couldn't hold it in anymore as she embraced rohit while he was holding Sammy. The three stayed like that for a while till Sammy fell asleep.

Rohit now had a small sleeping figure of Sammy on his lap while ritika was creasing her long beautiful hair.

"What happened ro?" Ritika asked looking up at rohit who was smiling at his daughter.

"It's nothing ritts really I am fine" rohit said

"No! Don't say you are fine because I can see through you and it's Hardly fine. What is wrong ro ?" Rits said keeping a hand on Rohit's shoulder.

Y"ou know that before any other relationship of ours, Before being lovers and now life long partners, we are best friends ro. We are each other's comfort zone aren't we ?"

Rohit just nodded in a yes and kept his shoulder on ritika"s while she patted his head with one hand while the other was preoccupied with Sammy.

After a while both rohit and Sammy were asleep and she didn't want to move as rohit was sleeping after a long time.

Ritika knew how hard it was for rohit , how everything was taking a toll on him. His mother was sick, the BCCI were pressuring him, and ofcourse the world cup matches . The last time she remembered him sleeping properly was after their match with Afghanistan. After that it was like something triggered him something must have happened because after that night rohit rarely slept.

After today , ritika knew she had to adress this problem to someone. It had been a week since rohit had been back and each night he used to cry either after waking up from a nightmare or randomly while scrolling through his phone.

She decided that she'd talk to mahi Bhai about this behaviour of his tomorrow morning.

But little did she know what mahi Bhai would say!

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