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They all reached the top and sat down for a while, exhausted from the trekking. By this time it had been so cold that if they sighed fog found its way through their mouths.

Rohit was trembling badly by now. His eyes had a burning sensation. He tried to stay composed but shreyas noticed this. He went towards his bhai, and sat beside him. 

"Bhai! Apko kiya hua hai why are you shivering? Thandi lag Rahi hai kiya? Where is your jacket huh? Bhool gaye na. Pata that mujhe " Rohit couldn't tell him that he gave his jacket to Virat. If he did he knew well that shreyas would just create a new drama out of it.

"Yeah I did! Sorry" Rohit managed to lie somehow. He saw shrey looking a little suspicious but shrey eventually forgot  about it as he mentioned " I have an extra jacket in the car Bhai. You can wear that"

Rohit smiled a little. He wanted everything to be okay again. But he knew that the scars on him on his heart and his body would never leave him, they will always remind him of that dark day.

All of them slowly climbed down  and after a while they all decided to go for lunch. Rohit was in no mood or condition to eat but he couldn't deny so here he was, with a plate full of food in front of him. A very....um... Wild hungry jassi beside him and the AC right above him. His head was spinning and he felt dizzy. he wanted to collapse in his bed and cry until he had no tears left to shed. all this just fucking hurt so much. 

bhai you look dazed, everything alright?" he heard siraj say, his vision blurred a little when he nodded. siraj still unsure of the answer asked again " pakka na bhai?" rohit sighed , he didn't know is he could lie anymore. he nodded again and looked at his plate, he looked at it not moving even a inch. then suddenly his head started spinning and not even a minute later, his eyes went at the back of his head and his face rested on the table. rohit was sitting at the end of the huge table so no one noticed when he fainted. 

once they all were done eating shreyas pointed out. "arree bhai might have been so tired. bina khaye so gaye!" at this all the others looked at the apparently sleeping figure of their captain. all the juniors(except shubhi and kullya) just shook their heads at the sight of their lazy captain

 where as the seniors( except rahul and jaddu) looked at him with a concerned look. rohit never, ever , ever slept without speaking in his sleep or snoring. something was off about his posture too. even after noticing all this they decided to brush it off. All the others left towards the bus except for ishan, who came up to his bhai and tried to shake him up. but as soon as he touched rohit's arm he instantly pulled it back. 

it was so hot he could fry eggs on him! " shit! ro bhai you have a fever! oh god what am i supposed to do. hey bhai.... bhai get up. ro bhaiya.." ishu said shaking him a bit more in an attempt to wake him up but no avail. Ishan went closer to rohit. he put his one arm beneath rohit's leg and the other behind back and some how managed to get him on his(ishu's) back. he came out of the restaurant and ran as fast as he could near sachin paaji. he had a second thought and stoped. he can't let the others (vi's team) see him like this. he pulled out his phone and called shreyas. 

"haan ishu bol" shreyas replied after eight rings. " shrey jaldi restaurant ke gate ke samne aa , aur  paaji ko bhi lekar aa, ro bhai fainted." ishu informed. at this shrey ran towards sachin paaji, held his hand and draged him towards the entrance. explaning everything on his way there. 

both of them reached and saw ishu standing, with rohit's lifeless looking like body on his back. shreyas started panicking looking here and there for help, while continuously shaking rohit. sachin who was unexpectedly calm, pulled shreyas back and told him to get a glass of water.

after shrey was gone he made rohit lie down on the floor and rubbed his palms.  shrey came back with a jug filled with water till its brim. ishu looked at him with a done look. saachin just shook his head and took it from him. he sprinkled a few drops on rohits face and waited. 

rohit slowly opened his eyes and saw blurred faces of ishu, shrey and sachin paaji. He blinked a few times to clear his vision. After his eyes were completely open.  Sachin made him sit up and drink some water.

Rohit did as he was told and after a good five minutes. He was ready to talk. Or was he? "Abhi kaisa lag Raha hai kiddo" Sachin asked gently while opening his arms, inviting rohit for a hug. Rohit just leaned towards his bhai and closed his eyes in pain. "Bohot pain ho raha hai." He said while keeping his head on the crook of Sachin's neck. Sachin creased his back and told him to get up.

They slowly moved towards the bus. Rohit was leaning against Ishu and shrey for support. They boarded the bus and just then jaddu scoffed and said. " How much more lazy can you become captain?"

"We have been waiting since so long, try to not fall asleep everywhere you go." Mahi said while folding his hands. Rohit frowned at this. Shrey patted his shoyand told him to sit down. Rohit sat next to Sachin, his head on his shoulder. He drifted into a deep sleep.

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