17- A shocking news

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by the time they reached their hotel rohit's condition had clearly worsened, he had pink colour to his cheeks highlighting the fact that he has a fever. he was clutching to sachin paaji's arm like his life depended on it.

As soon as they reached the hotel Sachin and shreyas waited until everyone left to come out holding a very dazed rohit. Ishan had left first to make sure the room was all ready. He called a doctor but his phone died midway the conversation so he waited until they came back.

Once all of them made sure rohit was comfortable and fast asleep, all of them went back to the dining area where the others sat sipping on their coffee. ishan went near shubhi and tried to ask in a very normal and composed tone, yet professional. "you think you have a pill that reduces fever shubhman?" shubhi winced a little, not used to the professional tone and his full name from his former bestie. "i might have some in my room, you can-- um ill give it to u, come with me." shubhi corrected himself realising that things weren't the same as before. 

"who is sick?" dravid sir asked in concern. ishan wasn't sure if he should say it in front of the team, he looked back and forth between dravid sir and sachin paaji. on seeing the nod of approval from saachin he continued. "woh ro bhai is a little sick" before anyone could react they heard violent coughs, they turned back to see virat coughing, he had chocked on the coffee he was drinking "aree aree bhai aram se, thaska lag gaya kiya?" said kulya patting (or rather hitting) Virat's back . "i am fine" virat said and sat up straight.

he started to feel a little guilty now that rohit had a fever because of him. he tried to shove off the guilt by reminding himself that ' it isn't my fault, he offered the jacket, why did he try to be a super hero' bit no mater how hard he tried he still felt a little guilt hearing to the news. 


it was almost 7:00 when rohit opened his eyes, a flashback played suddenly off how he ended up in his room. he felt even worse then before now that he had woken up. he scanned his room, no sight of virat. he pouted , virat was always there whenever he was sick. he used to make sure rohit ate his pills on time. and that he slept and ate properly. he felt a pang of sorrow in his heart

rohit missed those days so much , he missed virat's warm hugs, his pranks, his scoldings, his stupid laugh, his teasings, his cute pout his everything, rohit missed virat dearly, he felt like dying now that virat was not beside him. rohit thought that vi hated him, vi also thought that he hated his ro. but vi was oblivious of his own feelings, he to..... missed rohit. missed waking him up, missed losing arguments to him, missed dragging him to the gym, missed the way he laughed, missed tickling him, missed his smile, damn he even misses his loud snores. but of course he wouldn't admit it. not even to himself.

they both in different rooms wiped tears rolling down their cheeks....

in the other room sachin was on the phone speaking to the BCCI officials, he has a horrified look on his face. " but this isn't possible sir" he spoke in utter disbelief. " i myself am shocked, but the paperwork and photos are proof of it. i am afraid it is the truth. i'll email you the documents you have a look" the caller said and disconnected the call.  sachin was just to stunned to speak. he checked those paperwork and the photos that were sent to him. he felt intense rage when he saw the photo and slammed the phone on the table. the screen cracking a bit. he picked it up and called a number. "hello sameer, (a BCCI official) can you please see to it if the photos i am sending are under deep fake or they are real" 

"haan sir abhi karta hu"  sachin cut the call as he slumped down in the chair. he can't believe something like this could have happened . he called dravid to his room and discussed the issue. dravid was shocked when he saw those photos, nothing but rage took over him he punched the wall hard.  


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