face to face

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A minute or two ago all of them were at the dining table eating breakfast and suddenly now they are boarding the plane for Mumbai in horror, shock, and guilt. Rohit was sick and it was all because of them, they didn't see how much rohit was suffering, they hadn't forgiven him for what he did but that didn't mean they weren't worried. Now sitting on the plane all they were thinking about was how to face rohit. Except for shubhi ofcourse, he thought all this was fake in order for rohit to gain their attention and play the victim card,

Jassi and ishan had to beat some sense Into him, that rohit might have fixed the match but he wouldn't play the victim card and that he is actually really sick .

As the hospital came closer their concern rose up , how bad was the condition? Was it because of them? Why?

When they reached the waiting room they were met with jinks who was pacing the hallway with his palm on his chin, and Shikhs who was sitting on the chair his legs shaking as he scratched his head. The sound of footsteps caused both of them to stop and look at the team

Virat stood in front with Ishu and jassi by his sides, Harry and sijju were behind Rahul and mahi Bhai who were behind the three.  Shubhi hadn't come inside and was waiting inside the car not willing to visit rohit.

Shikhar stood up and went forward, and slapped Virat, "how dare you" is voice trembling with rage. "You call yourself his best FRIEND" he yelled grabbing Virat's collar and banging him on the wall. Ishu and jinks moved into action as both of them came forward and tried to separate the two. Jinks held shikhars hands and looked into his eyes. "Ro doesn't want all this."

"I know but I..... " Shikhar sighed and looked at the other members, as he started to tear up , he felt a hand on his shoulder which is what made him break down completely, it was tough to see his friends fight eachother, and it was tough to choose sides.

Harry came up to him, and held his hand, "what happened". Then jinks explained everything to the others.

"What have we done" jassi said  sitting down on the chair, "can ......can we meet him..?" Asked Harry he didn't feel like he had the right to talk to his friend right now.

"You wanna meet him, after all you have done? " Jinks said , he didn't want to create a fight but he just couldn't take it anymore, how dare they hurt him and then come to him like nothing happened.

"Please just let us, I can handle everything "  Virat said, his voice trembling with the fear of what he would encounter once he opens the door. He didn't want to see his best friend hurt because of him.

"Do as you please.... but don't do anything to hurt him anymore" Shikhar said rather annoyed.

Vi slowly went up and touched the cold handle and twisted it to open the door. His eyes filled up with tears seeing his best friend sitting on the bed staring into nothingness. His eyes were blank so were the expressions on his face. He looked as pale as the sheets of the bed.

Hearing the sound of the door opening rohit turned to look at the intruder, and was quite surprised when he saw Vi with glassy eyes and a frown on his face.

"Ro...." Vi called his voice cracking slightly as held back tears. He gulped the lump in his throat and went near rohit.

"Just..... Just get lost vi " rohit said sounding sad and frustrated. " Ro please let me explain" vi insisted.

" Explain what vi, how you didn't believe me when I said I didn't do it, how you tried to turn the whole team against me, how YOU blamed ME for our loss. YOU claimed to be my best friend all these years just to trust some random rumours." Ro yelled tears flowing,voice trembling but loud, and eyes..... Filled with resentment and regrets.

Vi cried silently, Ro was correct he was a bad friend and bad teammate. Vi wiped his tears and moved towards rohit and held his hands in his. " Ro... I promise I won't blame you, I swear I will trust you, I always have...... But .......but please....just please don't be angry ... Please forgive me." Vi pleaded while sobbing .

" Please leave me alone Mr kholi I have nothing to do with you anymore. And If you could please ask Mr Sachin to come in, I want to know the procedure of my resignation letter. " Rohit said his voice cold and distant.

Vi cried and cried and then begged rohit to not do this but rohit didn't bat an eye towards him. Silently in the corner, the other members of the team were witnessing the grave situation.

Jassi and Harry felt guilty for leaving rohit when he trusted them. Kuldeep, Rahul and ishan hand their head low not wanting to see their friends crying and fighting. But the two who were burning from the pain and the guilt were shubhi and mahi.

Mahi for not trusting his little bro, for looking down at him for blaming him for yelling at him. For not being there when he needed him the most.

Shubhi for dividing the team , for betraying rohit, for trying to put him aside and abandoning him when he needed his trust.

Ishu came towards shubhi and insisted him to go inside and talk to Ro. "No Ishu...I....he... Will...wi....will hate m..m..me"  shubhi breathed heavily clutching his chest . He was having a panic attack. Ishu brought him closer to him and rubbed circles behind his back . He knew this would happen. Rahul motioned him to take shubhi out and calm him down. Ishu obeyed and took shubhi out.

"I'll go in " said jassi


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