Chapter 22- lucky number 7⃣

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Chelsea's pov
I am ready to die.

But this is not how I wanted it to end.

3rd person's pov

But they were not ready to let her go. The crash cart was wielded in and the head nurse attempted to shock her back to life.

"Stand clear!" She shouted. Hands were off and the electricity was shot through Chelsea's lifeless body.

No use.

They did it again and again until the line of her precious heartbeat went dead.

But no, it didn't reach that point since she has jolted up on the seventh one up and out of her critical coma. Lucky number we all suppose. Loud sobs and cries were heard from the other room where Mitch and Jerome await.

Meanwhile, Tabby is jamming out in Chelsea's newly wrapped hot pink foiled car listening to Ariana Grande. It was her present for when she got out of her coma. Tabby was a believer as well as a belieber.

"ONE LAST TIME!" She screamed the lyrics to the song. She was happy. Not for long.

Chelsea's pov

I faded into darkness with small light left. Once that was gone i'm officially dead.

Then electricity shot through my body and the light grew bigger.They're reviving me.

Shock after shock the light grew bigger but during the pauses dark took its chances to invade.

Seven times and my body shot up into a sitting position on my bed I have been laying on for 4 weeks.

Shocked faces surrounded me as I sit there dumbfounded. What the hell just happened ?

Mitch's pov

I never thought that I could cry so much. Someone could actually swim in my tears. She's gone.

My first and I hoped last love who adores is most likely going to be laying in a coffin within the next week. Her silky soft brown and blonde her that flowed down almost reaching her stomach.

She was beautiful, genuine and kind. No one shall ever replace her.

Jerome took me to the hospital canteen thingy. He bought me food but I had just shoved it away. Through a long while of ranting over the food I ate half but no more. He wanted to take my mind off of her but I snapped telling him how disrespectful that would be. I know he's trying to help but help in the right way will you Jerome?

So we stayed on the topic of Chelsea. We talked about the qualities of her. It was endless. My love for her was endless.

Tabby's pov

Swerve that car.


Lets just say i'm not the "BABY BABY BABY OOH!" Sorry about that ITS MY JAM.

So as I was saying i'm not a good driver hence by the horns blaring at every turn that I make. Eh. My main concern was getting to the hospital with this sweet thing in one piece. SO SHINY!


I walk into the toilets before I go and see Chelsea washing her hands. "Hey Chels." I greet and step into the cubicle. I'm about to sit down when I just realised.. Chelsea?

I instantly open the door back up. "CHELSEA?!" "THATS THE NAME" she screams back. I hug her so tight glad for her to be back. "Can't.. Breathe." She tries to say muffles in my shoulder. I apologise and we walk into her room. We are talking about edible things. Weird topic but we are weird so ..

"Can you get me some food the hospital one is so unhygienic and flavourless." She asks with plead in her eyes. I shrug a yes and walk out shoving my headphones in my ears and dancing to the exit. Before I can reach I bump into two people.

1) My boyfriend

2) My best friend

Mitch's pov

Tabby is dancing and she's happy whilst I have been crying. My grief has turned into anger.

"She's dead and all you can DO IS DANCE?" I ask raising my voice a little at the last part. She's still jolly as she readies herself to reply. Her happiness turns into an apologetic look.

"I'm sorry for your loss Mitch but can I ask who we can talk about." She says. How can she not know ?

"HOW DO YOU THINK I'M TALKING ABOUT CHELSEA YOU IDIOT!" I yell. She starts to giggle. What The Hell?

"No she's not." She simply tells me. My face pulls a 'confused look' causing her to laugh harder. Is this some sick joke?

"What the hell are you on about?" I ask in a much more softer tone.

"Me" A figure says from behind her .


Jerome's pov

She's alive! Lola jumps out of my hands and scratches at her legs. I hadn't let her off me since the scare. Chelsea instantly picks her up and he face becomes soggy from lola's 'kisses'. In other words Lola licking every inch of her face. I didn't really mind it to be fair I found it quite cute. It certainly didn't bother Mitch since he pounced at her kissing her lips.

In amazement and shock at his quick action she kissed back. Ew but cute! They separate I walk into Chelsea's room joining hands with Tabby. They fit perfectly in mine.

When you expect the worst the rest comes easy. Just like today.

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