Chapter Two

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The one thing that completely baffled me was that my best friend knew that I came here most mornings when an incident had occurred at home.

It made me wonder why how she could have been so careless to let me stand face to face with my half naked boyfriend, even letting him answer the door knowing that it could have been me.

Sam still held a relaxed expression, almost as if he had been expecting me too. His lack of emotion made me feel even worse and a tear even threatened to leave my eye.

With one look at my face and arms, his face shows curiosity at my bruises and blood which cover me.

"So what made your face even uglier today?" He said with a concerned expression, looking me up and down repeatedly. This time, a dear did actually leave my eye.

Sam noticed this and tutted three times.

"Who is it?" A familiar asks in the background.
Her voice just confirmed everything and left shedding more tears at the front door before turning around and walking off. Covering my face with my hands.

A few minutes later I was completely bawling my eyes out on the way to the forest, understanding what had happened.

Laura was a popular girl and I must have bene her toy to play with. It was the same for Sam too.

At least they've got something in common.

I knew it.

After stepping another foot deep into the forest And pulling out my phone and staring at my reflection, all the discolouration and cuts cause me to wince. I didn't dwell on it too much, being used to this sight and applied my foundation.

I then remembered school.


I check the time quickly and see that it's 8:30.

I have five minutes.

Breaking out into a run, I sprint as fast as I can until I become light headed and decide to walk the rest. Since I had become weaker it became increasingly harder to do any sort of physical exercise. I even love sports but struggle to play them because of others.

Soon enough the school grounds come into my field of view. I walk inside in the sync of the first bell ringing which singnalled students to make their way to theIr designated classrooms.

It's only the start of the day but I already feel exhausted from the morning along with feeling dehydrated.

Even so, I speed walk to my first lesson, afraid to meet one of the rebellious boys who control the school.

But I don't have much luck when my face meets the floor, only to be tripped by the one and only Bajancanadian.

Once again, Mitchell Hughes.

I can hear his laugh along with his group of friends. And even a girl's voice too which was very unusual.

It was even a familiar voice, one which I had heard as recently as this morning.

Laura had already made new friends.

And it had to be the Pack.

Bullied by The Pack  //BajancanadianWhere stories live. Discover now