epilogue part four

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You're A Castillo...

"My day was great, daddy," Jolie, Sam's eight-year-old daughter, said as she sat on the kitchen island, swinging her feet back and forth, "I got to see the elephants—I really love those."

Sam grins, "I know. You make me buy every little elephant you see."

Jolie smiles, "because they're awesome," she said, closing her eyes as Sam grabbed a wipe to get rid of the face paint on her face.

Jolie had just come back from a school's field trip, and she couldn't wait to tell her parents about the beautiful animals she saw. Animals were her thing, and they adored that about her. As for Luca and Gino, they were teenagers who were obsessed with phones, video games, and music; the action figures and toy cars going out the window the second they turned ten.

Jolie says to Sam, "Daddy, I think I wanna work as a veterinarian when I'm older."

"You don't wanna be an astronaut anymore?" he asks, wiping her eye carefully.

"I'm still gonna do that," she answers.

He grins, "that's a lot on your plate. How are you gonna do both?" 

Jolie opens her other eye and says, "easy. Yours and mommy's money."

"You're funny," he continued to wipe her face. Jolie looked more like Natalie, her prayers answered as her daughter came out with her features—brown skin just like her..

"Pleaseeee, papa. I wanna be an astronaut veterinarian. Please, please, please," she claps her hands together to beg, "when I get older, I'm gonna buy you and mommy a bigger house," even though their home was already huge, "and get you everything you want. I promise. Just let me be both."

He hummed, "well, when you put it like that." 

She squeals in joy and begins to sing, "I get to be an astronaut veterinarian, I get to be an astronaut veterinarian," she smiles, "how was your day, Daddy?"

"It was great. Your mother and I are gonna go out tonight, so I'm looking forward to that."

Julie smiles while looking up at him and says, "you really love mommy." 

"Io faccio," I do.

"My friend Cassie says her daddy hates her mommy, and they fight a lot," Jolie says with a frown.

Sam looks down at her and asks, "do they argue when you're around?"

Sam knew sometimes arguments broke out between a couple, as Sam and Natalie have been caught arguing by their kids. They try their best to keep the scream matches down and out of the kids hearing range, but their glares and eye rolls were still a thing that still needed fixing. However, Sam didn't need Cassie's parents arguing in front of his daughter every chance they got, as that was unhealthy to consume as a child.

"No," Jolie answered, "he's never there anymore. It makes Cassie cry."

Sam frowns lightly. They were just kids, "how 'bout you do something nice to make her happy?"

"I should do that!" she said with excitement before going into thought, tapping her chin, "hmm, what should I do?" she takes a second before she gasps, looking wide-eyed, "can we buy a bunch of glitter cupcakes and pizza and have a sleepover tonight?"

"I don't know about the sleepover," Sam says, "it's a school night, and you know how you girls get."

Natalie was the one to catch them, watching them stare at the television with red eyes as the sun was about to rise. With a horrified expression, Natalie realized that the girls had deceived her a few hours earlier by pretending to be asleep.

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