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* mentions of grief, loss

The Future of Us is still Uncer...

Finding a sitter wasn't so easy for Natalie. She and Sam needed to make sure they could trust this person, and when they found a great option, Sam did a full background check on the young woman who was gonna watch after Luca during their work hours.

Elizabeth Lee.

She has ten years of experience doing this type of thing; her first few gigs date back to her teenage years. Meeting her, Sam and Natalie got the chance to see that she was kind, punctual, and patient, and her resume showed that she could be relied on; she's trustworthy, great with kids, responsible, etc.

Sam of course checked in with her previous employers to assure Elizabeth was the right fit, and he also wanted to know what made her stop looking after their children. It was simply because the children were getting older or one parent stopped working to spend more time at home.

Elizabeth has been able to stop by a few times, Natalie and Sam seeing she was in fact reliable and good at what she does.

Sam may have had a bit of trust in her to hire her for the job, but he was checking the baby monitor constantly, even when he was in the middle of a meeting or dealing with an assface he had to put in check.

He needed to be sure his kid was safe and in good hands.

"Hey, baby boy," Sam smiled as he lifted Luca from out his crib.

"I just got him to sleep," Natalie said with a faint whine.

Sam shrugged, "I'll put him back down for a nap," and that meant he was going to be around for a little while. Luca started curling up, his eyes fluttering open as Sam brought him to his chest, "Daddy missed you," he kissed his cheek, "you missed Daddy?" Natalie lifted her gaze because she could feel him staring, "I was talkin' to you."

She chuckled lightly, "you're funny," leaning off the crib to walk around him.

Sam grinned, bringing his eyes down to her backside as she began exiting the room. She was in a pair of dark gray leggings and a matching top, with a little cleavage showing at the top.

Natalie was setting the intention to work out today at the gym with Jade. Jade wanted to support her friend and also get a little fit because, as Natalie ate her cravings, Jade was sitting beside her, trying them. They agreed to show up for themselves because, even though Natalie liked the slight weight she'd gained, being active made her feel better about herself.

She was currently walking to get a protein shake started, one of the things she used to hate tasting when Sam made them. But since starting her fitness journey, she has had to get some of that protein in.

Natalie opened her cabinet to grab the large container, not noticing Sam had followed until she turned back around and saw him leaning on the island with Luca in his arms.

She always looked gorgeous, but she was looking extra pretty today, and she wasn't even dressed up.

Sam mentions, "since I wasn't there every step of the way, how about we get started on baby number two and have a redo?"

She smirked, twisting the lid off, "we're not having anything."

"Why did you say it like that?" he asked with a twisted face.

"Because, Sam," she was still smiling, but his was long gone, "we're not meant to be."

"What makes you say that?" Sam eyed her closely.

Natalie glanced over at him to her right, "it didn't work when we wanted it to. We tried and we failed, and now all is left is our beautiful son that does not deserve a mother and father who only stays together for the child. Those relationships give children trauma, and I wanna do things differently."

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