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In These Nine months, You Call?...

As she spoke, Natalie sighed and released an eye roll, "Dad, I am fine," taking a seat on the adult size rocking chair in her son's nursery room. She wasn't expecting her father to stop by, but because she was on the phone with him this morning saying she was going to rearrange some things in the baby's room, he arrived a half hour later with sweats on to assist, "I could've done it myself."

"I know that, but you're nine months pregnant now. You shouldn't be lifting anything heavy," shifting the crib closer to the wall, "this good?"

"Yeah," she said faintly, a little out of breath. This baby spent enough time hiding and she was ready to push him out. She was extra achy and sore, her Doctor telling her that it was normal along with the back pain.

Carter stood up straight with a grunt, placing his hand at the bottom of his back, "ouch."

"See, this is why I was going to do it," she chuckled, "I didn't want you to break your break."

He fanned her off, "I'm fine," Carter would rather get hurt instead of her. While catching his breath, he asked, "you ready for this baby?"

She smiles while rubbing her stomach, "very. I'm tired of getting out of bed to pee every two minutes."

This baby was on her bladder, and Natalie thought of wear an adult diaper at one point because of it. She decided against it, but she's considered it a lot.

Carter started picking up the stuffed animals that fell when moving things around, "have you thought of a name yet?"

"Not yet," she frowned, "I hope something comes to me because I can't have my baby walking out of there nameless."

"I think Carter would be nice," he grinned at her disapproving look.

"I'm not naming my baby that, Dad," she smirks at him.

He shrugs, "it was a nice try," stacking the toys neatly, "have you thought of an American name or something more Italian?"

Natalie sighs, "I tried both, but nothing feels like it's meant for him. There are some good names, but it doesn't feel right."

He nods, "you plan on filming your birth?" knowing she was into recording everything this pregnancy. Natalie had a bunch of videos from the start, planning to make a large edit on her laptop for her son to eventually look through, or even herself.

"I don't think so," she shook her head, "I'm not sure how I'll feel, so."

She had everything ready since this week was the week her son was supposed to be born. Her Doctor said that he might come sooner or a little later, so they were all on little guy's time.

Natalie already had her diaper bag packed and knew what she wanted her baby to wear when bringing him home. For herself, she just folded some leggings, a shirt and grabbed a pair of shoes. She thought about having Ayan do her hair, but sitting those hours for braids, it made her irritable just thinking about it. So, she left her hair alone, the curls brushing the top of her shoulders lightly from its new length.

She wanted to snip inches off again to get it back where it was, but she was lazy.

She laid around for most of the day, getting up to use the bathroom, get her food, or go shower.

She occasionally went to work on some designs, but as she picked up the paper, her mind went blank.

This baby was sucking the memory out of her, making her forget many things.

She just wished one of those things were Sam, but it was probably because this was his baby growing inside of her that made that impossible.

"Well, you gotta think of something. This baby might come tonight," Carter said, dusting his hands off, "I'm finished here, but do you need me to do anything else?"

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