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A Little Catching Up...

With their baby being two days old, Sam was showing what it'll be life with him around. After taking her time to feed Luca, Sam was propping him up on his lap with his chest slightly leaning forward. He cupped his hands under Luca's chin to support his head and chest, gently patting his back to burp him. It was like a team effort, and it was nice to see she wasn't going to be doing this alone, even though she thought it was best at one point.

Everything was pretty much fine with Luca, and with the tests coming back great and no feeding issues, they were able to take him home tonight.

Yesterday, Mrs. Young tried to stay as long as she could before her assistant started calling her back about some issues occurring in a current case. Mrs. Young needed to work fast, or else her client could be looking at serious time for this newly found evidence.

Natalie and Sam limited their visitors, with a few people only getting to see Luca through a FaceTime call. It made Natalie feel comfortable with the boundary because she would've felt overwhelmed. She just had a baby and didn't feel her best; everyone hovering over her or Luca would've made her anxious.

The room being cluttered with gifts was also a reason, but luckily, her father was able to take her house keys and bring half of the gifts to her home this morning. He had to come back twice to get half the stuff out, Sam offering to take the rest when he brought them home.

"He looks just like Sam when he was born," Giulia said with her hand over her mouth, trying not to cry right now.

Natalie was in the process of feeding Luca a bottle when they came in, the two fascinated by the little boy. They showed up yesterday, assuring they returned today.

Natalie smiled up at Giulia, "you wanna feed him?"

Giulia nodded with joy, "yes."

Natalie scooted over so Giulia could have space on the bed to sit down, taking her time to transition Luca from her hands to Giulia's.

To see this new form of life, Giulia couldn't help but to get teary-eyed, Richie rubbing her back softly. She had just lost her son a few months ago, so to have such a blessing in her hold brought up all sorts of emotions.

She never wanted to let go, wanting to cherish the little being every step of the way. Giulia was devastated to know Natalie was expecting and didn't tell them, but she was one to understand. If Giulia could go back in time, she wouldn't let none of her kids in the life, and Natalie not wanting that was okay.

Richie tried to be understanding, but he kept viewing it more as someone trying to keep his Grandson from him. He just lost a son, so to find out that he wasn't even allowed to know about his Grandson made him feel some type of way.

But, being an adult and grasping Natalie's fear, he mushed those feelings to the side.

"How's it going, sweetheart?" Richie asked Natalie, standing near his wife with his hands in his pockets.

"Good," it felt stressful to be in the room with the Castillo's. She believed she deserved all the curses and shouts, but to see they were chill, though she was still awaiting the chaos, especially from Sam.

"It's been a long time," Richie stated with lifted brows.

"It has," she smiled weakly, "how's everything with you?"

Richie shrugged, "decent," he finally got his wife to leave the house, so that was a win, "we missed you. It's good to know you're okay."

When he got the call that she was quitting his bar, he wasn't thrilled. Besides her being his son's girlfriend, he had grown to like her and the customers she brought in. But thinking about how terrified she must've been made him let it go.

Tied to a Castillo I 18+Where stories live. Discover now